Chapter 19: Monster

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Dawnstar trotted ahead, her tail held high and her strides long. She turned her head slightly and saw Thornpetal rushing toward her.

Growling softly she continued her way through the forest and toward Four Stones.

Thornpetal sneezed at the leader and shook her head. Dawnstar stopped and motioned for Frostfang to continue leading. She turned around and angrily stared at the she-cat.


Thornpetal looked down at her paws and shivered.

"Please be careful with what you say at the gathering. I don't want the other clans to think we're up to something that may involve them." she whispered.

Dawnstar cocked her head and flattened her ears.

"What do you mean? What do you think I'll say?"

Thornpetal sighed and opened her mouth to speak.

Before she could, however, a screech came up from the distance and cut her off. Dawnstar glanced around irritably and flicked her tail.

"Nevermind. We should go now before a fight breaks out." Dawnstar hissed.

Thornpetal nodded and padded after the tabby.

It doesn't matter how much I try to convince myself otherwise, Dawnstar is a threat to the other clans, especially Darkclan.

Thornpetal sat down beside the Fireclan rock as Dawnstar sat atop it. She poised herself to intersect an attack from Dawnstar to Breezestar and watched Dawnstar stiffen at the sight of him.

Dawnstar flicked her torn ear and her cold gaze followed Breezestar as he walked around the clearing.

Thornpetal shuddered at the thought of her leader killing the strong tom. Shaking her head, Thornpetal cleared away the thoughts and waited for the remaining two leaders to sit down.

Stormstar stood up and nodded.

"Lightningclan has been doing well this past moon. Prey has been sufficient and we have two new warriors. Thundercloud and Rainpelt!"

Thornpetal smiled at the two warriors who resembled the mentioned cats.

"Thundercloud, Rainpelt!"

Dawnstar called out the new warriors names. She was pleased that her friend's clan was doing so well, even if her's was not. She turned her head and looked at Clearstar, nodding.

Clearstar flicked his grey ear and stood up.

"Treeclan is doing much better than it has previous Leafbare. We also have a new apprentice, Birchpaw!"

Dawnstar called out the apprentice's name, becoming a little irritated when Breezestar only glared at her and disrespected the young cat. Dawnstar flattened her ears and stood up.

"Fireclan is also doing well. We have plenty of fresh-kill and kits on the way. That is all." Dawnstar meowed.

She nodded toward Breezestar and sat back down. Breezestar stood up, a look of pure hatred bore right into Dawnstar.

"TRAITORS! You've been stealing our prey. Fireclan has only been doing well because they've been fattening themselves up on Darkclan prey! Don't deny it! We've been finding Fireclan scent all over our side of the border as well as feathers, fur, and bones!" he roared.

Around him, the Darkclan warriors began yowling at Fireclan. Thornpetal shot up and unsheathed her claws.

"We have not! Maybe if you all got off your lazy butts for once, you'd see that it's not Fireclan scent. We would never do such a thing! You only accuse us because you hate Dawnstar and will use anything to try and hurt her!"

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