[15]: zen.

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Sketch above is mine. It's literally Zen and MC dressed up as Sandy and Danny from Grease.

"You will never be successful."

"All you are is good looking."

"Just quit acting."

"You have no talent."

"Give up already."

My eyes shot open, anxiety bubbling in my stomach. I frantically searched for my phone to check the time. When I did, it happened to be 2:43 in the morning.

I sighed, cursed, bit my lip-- anything to help calm down. It was no use since the dream was so vivid and continued to haunt me no matter what.

The dream took place during a performance. I finished my last line, and when I finally looked at the crowd, everyone seemed so bored and displeased. And it was a terrifying sight.

Then, someone started booing at me-- and eventually, everyone started booing. I took a step back, which resulted in me tripping and falling on the floor. Laughter erupted in the room,  and it was so embarrassing. Next thing I knew, the audience started throwing hateful comments-- all about me.

What if? What if it was all true? What if my family was just being honest? What if I truly am nothing but good looking? What if I should just give up acting? What if? Doubt and negativity flooded my mind so much it was hard to fall asleep again.

I got up from the bed and started searching for water. I scanned the fridge, seeing nothing but bowls of instant noodles. After rubbing my forehead, I buried my face in the palms of my hands and cried.

Cried over my family, cried about my dream, cried about the lack of food, cried over being such a bother to [Y/N], cried over how much of a failure I was, cried over everything.

Usually, I held back and just smoked a cigarette when I was feeling down but I ran out and couldn't afford anymore. I allowed myself to weep my sorrows out, some of the salty tears landing inside my opened mouth. I sobbed to the point I was tired enough to fall asleep.

By then, I only had 5 hours of sleep-- not that I wasn't used to it. I was already sleep deprived in the first place.

My phone alarm buzzed, inducing a low groan from me. "Dammit," I muttered, my vision still blurry.

Feeling lazy, I simply threw on a hoody and slipped off my sweatpants to replace them with a pair of shorts.

It was funny, I haven't worn this hoody in a while yet it still smelled like [Y/N]'s perfume from our first study session. I breathed in the scent, causing a smile to curl my lips for some odd reason.

My phone buzzed again, indicating I got a text from someone-- [Y/N].

Yo I'm outside the motel, lets walk together ;)

Did you eat yet?

You didn't have to walk all the way here T_T

No, but it's fine



I laughed, grinning widely at my phone and suddenly it was as if all of the anxiety last night had disappeared. My heart warmed up at the thought of her leaving her house extra early-- just for my sake. She had a weird effect on me.

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