Chapter 2

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~(YN) POV~

"Bye Ken! Have fun on your date and remember to use protection"

"(Y-YN)! Don't s-say things like that" He stuttered with his cheeks turning red

"What? I want to be an aunt but not at the age of sixteen"

"Whatever I'll see you later"  He says walking out the door. I hope his date goes well, Rize seems like a really nice person.

I went to my room and plopped on my bed. ,
'I guess I could go out for a while ?' I grabbed my shoes and headed out the door


I walked down the streets of the 20th. Until I saw my destination. Anteiku. I walked in and sat down at a table closet to the window.

I gazed out the window looking at the outside scenery thinking of the ghoul I met yesterday, until someone tapped me breaking me out of my thoughts. I turned to see Touka standing there.

"Sorry Touka, I just have a lot on my mind"

"No problem. So what would you like"

"A vanilla latte and strawberry shortcake" After she got my order, I took out my phone and opened Wattpad.  I guess I was kinda a bookworm like Ken, but I'd only read books on Wattpad and most times they were fan fiction. Soon Touka came back with my order

I felt as if someone was starring at me. I looked out the window, everything seemed normal until I say someone with messy blue hair across the street. But when I blinked they were gone. Maybe it was just my imagination.

~Ayato's POV~

Dammit did she see. I wasn't following her or anything, I just happen to see her walking and decide to see where she was going. But why that shit hole of all places. Tch and she know my dumbass sister.

~(YN) POV~

After finishing my drink and cake, I left some money on the table. "See you later Touka" I say before leaving Anteiku.

As I walked back home I still got the feeling I was being watched. I looked over my shoulder, but nobody looked suspicious. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but just to be sure I turned down an empty alley and hide behind some trash cans.

A few seconds later I heard some footsteps. I peaked from my hiding spot and saw my stalker. Their back was facing me and they had a hood on.

"Tch were the hell is she" I hear them growl. They sound very familiar. Even so, nobody's gonna stalk me and get away with it.

I quickly leaped from my hiding spot and tackled the stalker, I took their hood off to reveal




"No I wasn't, I take this way to go home" He said a lowering his voice a bit.

"Ayato this leads to a dead end" His face turned bright red after I said this.

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