Chapter 12

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~Ayato POV~

After leaving Anteiku, we made it back to the base. I still had (YN) in my arms, I placed her on my bed, she began snoring a little.

"She'll be uncomfortable sleeping in her work clothes" I say to myself. I feel my face heat up as thoughts of undressing her fill my head.

"But I just can't change her will she's asleep" I looked back her unconscious form.

"Then again....."

"Ayato are you being a pervert" A voice says. I looked around to see Eto standing near my doorway.

"Of course not, I just wanted to make sure she was comfortable" I say "What the hell are you doing in my room anyway" I hate how she just pops up whenever she pleases.

"That's none of your business besides,There are plenty of other girls around, you can ask one of them."

"I didn't want to burden anybody"

"Excuses, excuses" she taunted

"Just leave me the hell alone" I say as I began looking for something that (YN) could wear.

"Since I'm here I'll gladly help you"

"I'm sure you have more important things to do"

"I don't" She said to quickly for my liking

"Fine" I give up and throw the clothes at Eto "Don't take long"

I walked out the room. A few moments later, Eto walked out the room.

"All done" I could see her smirk under the bandages.

I walked in and saw (YN) sleeping peacefully. There's no telling how long she'll be out. But she looked so cute in my clothes.


~(YN) POV~

"Where am I" I sat up, I was laying on a bed with blue and black sheets. The room I was in was pretty standard

I looked down and realized I'm in different clothes than before. I had on a large (FC) shirt with black shorts. Now I'm staring to get concerned. The last thing I remember was that Yamori guy taking Ken.

Just then, the door opened to reveal a familiar blue haired ghoul.

"Ayato?" I said in disbelief

"(YN)!! You're awake" he jumped on the bed, tackling me in a hug, until I remembered the events leading up to

"Wait, I'm still mad at you" Ayato face sadden at my words.

"Look I'm sorry-"

"Sorry won't cut it Ayato, why would you do that to Touka?"

"It's just family stuff, you wouldn't understand."

"It looks deeper than just family stuff"


There was a tense silence before Ayato sighed

"Sorry, I've just been stressed, you had me really worried." He mumbled into my shoulder.

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