Chapter 13

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~(YN) POV~

It's been a few days, and like Ayato said I stayed in the room the entire time. Why? Apparently to keep me safe, but why bring me here to begin with.

Occasionally I'd hear some very concerning screams. Which I was told to ignore, but how could I. I wonder if anyone knows I'm gone.

"When will I leave" I asked myself. Ayato suddenly came bursting through the door. On the other side I could hear yelling and sounds of fighting.

"What the hell is going on outside" I demanded

"Doesn't matter, just stay here. And no matter what you here. Don't. Come. Out." He gave me a quick kiss before leaving.

After a few dreadful moments, I cracked the door open a little before opening it completely. I was faced with a hall full of dead CCG members and ghouls. As I looked farther down the hall, I could see some still fighting. It was basically a battle zone

I know I shouldn't leave Ayato's room but yolo right? (AN: One of these days Reader-chan) I should probably put on some better clothes first.

~A few moments later~
*In spongebob narrator voice*

After finding some pants and shoes that fit, I ran through the maze like hallways. Who knew this would be so big. I kept on my trail until I saw a familiar CCG agent.


"(YN)?! What the hell are you doing here"

"Well- LOOK OUT" A cloaked ghoul had sprang out of no where but Ryou quickly killed it with his quinque. He quickly turned back to me

"Have you been here this whole time?" He asked in a panicked tone

"You say that like I've been missing for a week"

"You have"


"When you didn't show up for school I went by your place, but no one answered ." He stated "When you didn't show up the next two days I went to Anteiku to see your brother but it was a mess and no one knew where you guys were"

"I never realized I was gone for so long."

"Ayato has something to do with it, doesn't he"

"He's indirectly involved"

"He's still a brat" okay he was right there "So where is he now, shouldn't he be protecting you"

"I have no clue"

"Well it's not safe for you here, we need to get you out of here" he grabbed wrist leading

"Wait! Ken is still here, we have to find him too"

"I'll find him later, you need to leave"

"No, I'm staying" We had a slight glare off before he sighed

"Fine but stay close to me"

"Well I'm gonna need some kind of weapon, you know just in case"

"Dammit (YN)! Take this and shut up okay"

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