Chapter 9

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I've kept you all waiting long enough so here you go. Enjoy (◕ᴥ◕)


~(YN) POV~

Even though Yoshimaru warned me about Ayato, I still chose to be with him. Though this caused Touka make comments and glare at me from time to time. Like she's doing now.

"Touka, glaring at me won't change my mind" I say as I continued to clean off tables

"How can you date him" she growled

"And you" she pointed at Ken "How can you let your sister be with such a monstrosity"

"I don't mind, from what I've seen he's an okay guy" Ken said continuing his work.

"No one said anything about Kimi and Nishiki, and look at him" I pointed at Nishiki

"What the hell is that suppose to mean" he shouted, yet everyone ignored him.

"The point is,  there are lots of ghoul and human relationships, what makes this one any different" I questioned

"He's dangerous" Yoshimura piped in before walking away

"And Nishiki wasn't" I questioned again

"I've changed" he shouted once more

"And so can he, you guys aren't giving him a chance" I tried to reason

"I know Ayato better than anyone else and I know he's not going to change" Touka said

"How would you know, last time I checked you guys didn't have the best sibling relationship"

"Well not everyone can live the perfect life like you (YN)"

"Perfect? Lately my life has been anything but perfect."

"Guys, I think you should calm down" Ken tried to calm us down

"Stay out of this" Touka yelled at Ken

"Don't yell at him" I yelled at Touka

"And what are you going to do, you're nothing but a pathetic human. I'm surprised Ayato hasn't eaten you yet"

"Ouch. That's harsh" Nishiki said

"Nishiki" Ken elbowed him

There was a heavy silence throughout the entire cafe.The tension in the air was so thick you could cut it. At this point I don't know if I was still angry at Touka or upset by what she just said. I felt something wet on my face. I was crying.

"If all you're going to be like that then I'm leaving" I threw off my apron and stormed out of Anteiku.

"(YN) wait!" was the last thing I heard. I didn't know where I was going, but I knew I had to get away for a while.

I continued down the busy sidewalk, bumping into people every so often and apologizing. I soon ran into a broad chest.

"What the! Oh (YN) I was just thinking about you." Ayato said, I kept my face buried in his chest, my tears probably staining his shirt. I felt him lift my head slightly. His usual calm face turned to one of anger.

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