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What is that beeping noise. I opened my eyes, where was I now. I looked to me left to see a heart monitor. To my right was Hide watching the news.

"Hide? What are you doing" I asked. He turned towards me, his eyes as wide as saucers

"(YN)! You're awake, I have to go get the doctor!" He basically sprinted out the room before coming back.

"The doctor should be here in a moment"

"Thats great and all but how did I get here"
Hide sat down beside my bed before explaining everything.

According to him, Ryou found me and brought me to this hospital. I was knocked out cold and bleeding a lot. I've been out for a few days. I guess being unconscious is my new thing.

"So they couldn't reach Ken so they called you." I stated "Have you heard from him"

"Sadly I haven't, I'm sure he's okay" Hide said

"I guess" my mind went back to the raid. What exactly happened after I passed out. I felt hands on top of mines, I looked towards the blonde haired guy.

"Just worry about getting better, okay" he smiled. That smile, that damn smile.
{AN:okay I'll stop}

I sighed but nodded my head yes. The door opened to reveal a doctor

"Kaneki (YN) I assume"

"Yeah, weren't you the doctor that helped my brother"

"That's right, it seems you two tend to get hurt a lot" He chuckled

"Seems That way doesn't it" I respond

"Well I'll get right to the point, you had five broken ribs, a minor concussion and we stitched up the gash on your stomach"

"Sounds about right I guess."

"You should be up and out in about three weeks" he stood up and walked towards the door "A nurse should be in with some food"
The doctor walked out leaving us.

"So Where have you been for the past few days" I thought about it for a while, maybe it's best to just tell him everything.

"If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell anyone"

"Fine" once that was said, I told him everything from the beginning. The moment we realized Ken was a ghoul to us getting kidnapped. I didn't leave any thing out

"The last thing I remember was being on the roof before losing consciousness."

"That's some adventure you've been on" he laughed

"It's not funny Hide."

"It kinda is. Besides I already knew about your brother being a ghoul"

"Eh!? And you didn't say anything!"

"What was there to say" He said as The door opened again

"Here's your food sweetie" A nurse came in left my food and walked back out.

"It's been days since I've eaten" I say like looking down at the hospital food.

"Well you eat and rest, I'll be back tomorrow to check on you" Hide ruffled my hair and proceeded to exit my hospital room. I picked up my spoon and ate the rice on my plate.

Huh, This food taste.....

3rd person POV

Unknowingly to the (HC) girl, a white hair male sat out the window quietly watching her.

"This is for the best (YN)" he whispered

"Will you hurry up" a blue haired teen rushed

" I didn't say anything about you being here"


Though the two didn't exactly like each other, they did have one thing in common. And that was protecting the one person who mattered most to them.

"I'd kill you if it weren't for your sister"

"Sure, that's why you can't kill me"
The two left, not to be seen again for a while.

There you guys, the end of my book. I hope you all enjoyed, yes there will be a second book but in the mean time I'll be working on other books to publish.

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