Chapter 5

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~(YN) POV~

It's been a few since Ken started working at Anteiku, and I've started dating Ayato. Everything's been pretty easy going lately. After school I'd usually go to Anteiku until Ken's shift was over, or hang out with Ayato.
Ayato was actually busy at the moment, doing who know what. Probably attacking some innocent person.

I was currently walking with Touka and Ken to get him a mask. We made it to a little shop in a sketchy alley. We walked in to find no one in.

"Where's the shop owner"

"Uta's around here somewhere"

We started to search for this Uta person. Ken and I walked towards a white sheet covering something. He lifted it to reveal a guy with lots of tattoos.

 He lifted it to reveal a guy with lots of tattoos

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"Boo" he said, which made Ken flinch. I tried to hold on my laughter. I got a good look at Uta, he had an edgy kind of style. He was a little taller that Ken and he had his ghoul eyes activated.

"Nice tattoos" I say examining the tattoos on his arms some more

"You're a strange one" he said poking my forehead.

"Huh!?! What is that suppose to mean and stop poking me" I asked while swatting his hand away. He only walked away to talk to Touka.

While they talked about Ken's mask, I walked around looking at the already made mask on the wall. They all looked so well crafted and beautiful. I picked up a masked, it was a traditional Japanese fox mask. It was gorgeous

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"Would you like a mask as well" a voice say behind me

"Oh my gosh, please don't do that" I say trying to recover from my mini heart attack. Someone should really put a bell on this guy. Finally after recovering, I answered his question.

"Thanks for the offer but I wouldn't need it for anything"

"Are you sure, from your expression, it seemed like you really like my mask" he had a point, but what use does a mask have for me.

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