Chapter 3

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^^School Uniform^^

Quick AN:
I honestly don't know where I was going with this chapter . I guess it was more of a filler chapter, I really don't know. Honestly I considered not publishing this chapter but I liked it to much not to.



~(YN) POV~

"Ken are you sure you're okay"

"For the hundredth time (YN), I'm fine. Now go before you're late for school" he says handing me my lunch.

"Fine, but if you're not feeling well just call me okay" I say as Ken pushes me out the front door.

"Bye (YN)" he says closing the door in my face. Well that I as rude.

It's been a week since Ken was released from the hospital. He told me how Rize was a ghoul and tried to eat him. Since then he's been acting pretty weird. He hasn't been eating properly since he woke up in the hospital. Hide has been calling everyday, but Ken doesn't want to talk to him. I wish I could stay home and help him but I still had school.

"I wish he'd just tell me what's wrong with him" I say to myself, walking down the sidewalk.

"Maybe he just needs some space"
as I walked towards the voice to see Ayato standing underneath one of the many trees I pass on my way to school. Ever since I told him about what happened to Ken, he's been walking with to me most places.


It was the day after Ken's accident, he had just woken up an hour ago and the doctor just finished checking up on him. Afterwards we started talking for a bit until he fell asleep"

"I still can't believe Rize was a ghoul, she seemed so nice" I say softly to myself.

"Rize nice? You've got the be kidding me"
A looked to see were the voice is coming from to see Ayato climbing through the hospital window.

"Ayato what the hell are you doing here" I whispered yelled, hoping not to wake up Ken.

"Just curious" he walks "So who's the nerd"

"I'll have you know that Nerd is my brother and he's here because he was attacked by a ghoul" I say firmly, Ayato looks at me wide eyed

"Hold on, so you both got attacked by ghouls, yesterday" I never really thought about but he's right, we both were attacked but I got out lucky unlike Ken.

"I'll take your silence as a yes" he said "how can you both be so stupid"

"I would appreciate it if you'd stop talking about my brother like that"

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