Chapter 11

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~(YN) POV~

"Jeez, it's so crowded" I say, walking through the crowded street. It was a chilly afternoon here in Tokyo and I finally decided it was about time Touka and I got over out petty disagreement. I had my reasons, and so did Touka. But that shouldn't ruin our friendship

I walked into Anteiku to be greeted by an odd sight.

"(YN) What are you doing here" my brother asked

"I came to talk to Touka" I looked around and notice several people in cloaks and mask, aside from one guy sitting in front of Ken "Who are these guys" I asked

"They're just some friends of Rize" Ken replied

"Eh? She actually had friends?!" The old me would've believed this, but after finding out she was a psychopathic ghoul, my opinion has greatly changed.

"(YN)!!" He scolded

"What? She's dead anyway so why are they here"

"S-she's dead" The guy across from Ken whimpered

"They weren't suppose to know that"

"Oh! Oops" I sweat dropped

"At least she's in a better place" He said

"Pfft" I let a little laugh before stopping myself. Touka elbowed me in my side, telling me to not laugh.

Touka and I walked away so they could finish talking about whatever. It was an awkward silence for a few minutes before I decided to open my mouth.

"I'm sorry" we both said at the same time

"You can go first" we said again "No you"

"I'm sorry for saying all those things. You're Ayato's girlfriend , so you know him better than anyone else. I should've just stayed out your business."

"Me too, I know you and your brother haven't had the best relationship. I was just mad."

"Well now that's settled, we could use your help today" Ken said

I went to go change into the uniform. Just as I walked back, the window was shattered. I shieled my eyes from all the glass

"What are you doing screwing around here for Banjo." A very familiar boi said {I'm keeping this typo} "You want another beating until you can't spit up any more blood? Huh?"

"A-Ayato" Banjo said, somewhat scared.

"What's a brat like you doing here." Touka said

"You're the brat here" Nice comeback Ayato

"Ayato? What the hell are you doing" He only looked at me for a brief second before turning his attention back to Touka. "Don't ignore me you asshole"

"Tch what the hell are you doing here anyway. I thought you weren't coming back here ever again."

"Well me and Touka are Fine now, what are you doing here"

"Just stay out my way then"

"Wait, what do you mean" Before he could answer a large bulky man with white hair and suit said walking through the door. Another man with a purple shirt and shades on his head stood behind him.

"Is that long enough Ayato, can we come in now" the man in the white suit said

"I knew your sister would be here but who's this little cutie" the purple shirt guy said staring at me. His gaze made me cringe.

"I'm impressed you found me, Yamori."

"I was following Banjo. The men you have under you are first-rate, huh?" The white suit guy said. He sniffed the air before cracking his fingers in a weird way.

"It reeks of an odor I despise" He said towering over Ken with a crazed look in his eyes. "Will this one do?"

"Sure, why not? Let's hurry up and kidnap him"

"Kidnap" me and Touka said "What kind of ego trip are you on?!" She yelled.

"Ego trip?" He asked before punching Touka and grabbing Ken by his neck, stranggling him. He then threw him into a table and stomped on him.

"Get up or stay down? Which will it be" "If you behave, you'll get through it without getting hurt."

"Ken!!" I grabbed a nearby stool and hit it over the his head. Well that had no affect on him at all. He turned towards me with a questioning look.

"Who's this little girl" He asked. Okay I know I'm short but come on, little girl.

He grabbed me by the neck, cutting off my oxygen supply, and lifted me up to the point my feet were off the ground.

"What the hell Yamori what do you think you're doing, put her down. She's not apart of this" Ayato said concerned.

"Whats all the fuss about, I'm just having a little fun." He said to Ayato before looking back at me "You're not much, I guess you could be my snack" He threw me into the wall behind the counter. Yes the wall where the glasses on shelves.

"Yamori!" Ayato shouted. He ran towards me, lifting my head. I gasped for the much needed air and touched my aching head to see blood covering my hand. I stood up only to be thrown across the room again.

"Yamori ! What's the hell, stop" I could hear Ayato yell. My vision started to blur slightly, surprisingly I'm still alive.

"Where's you sense of fun Ayato" Fun for you all, not so much for us.

"Leave her alone" Ken said activating his
He tried attacking Yamori , key word tried. He grabbed Ken by his head and continued to bash it into the floor.

"That's enough" Touka said activating her kagune. Ayato activates his soon after and the two fought. Which didn't last long, Ayato had Touka pinned to the wall in minutes.

"Tch your so fucking weak Touka"

The sight was horrible, Anteiku had broken glass, tables and blood everywhere. You'd think there was a massacre if you saw it. Yet no one was there to witness it. {AN: Literally they did this in the middle of the day yet no one called the police or anything???? Lets stop before I begin to rant}

"Alright let's go" Yamori said throwing Ken over his shoulder as he walked towards the door. "Don't forget the girl too"

"W-What!?" I stuttered

"Sorry (YN)" Ayato said before I saw nothing but darkness.

~Ayato POV~

"Yamori what are you planning to do with her" I say picking up (YN) bridal style.

"I wanna have a little more fun. This one smells real nice."

"What the hell that's supposed to mean. You're not gonna do anything to her."

"If she's that important, I'll leave her alone" He said. I looked at the unconscious girl in my arms. She's so cute when she's asleep, well technically knocked out in this case. I guess there's only one thing left to do.


Word Count: 1100

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