Chapter 8

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~No One POV~

"You lot are truly pathetic" Ayato said activating his own kagune, standing between Tsukiyama and the two girls.

"Ah Ayato, you've finally decided to join the party" Tsukiyama said

"Why the hell do you have to be so fucking annoying" The two ghouls charged at each other. Ayato using his kagune shooting crystal shards and Tsukiyama using his as a shield.

While they fought, Touka and Ken laid beaten and weak on the ground. Trying to think of any way to defeat Tsukiyama.

"How is he so strong" Ken asked

"A humans flesh he gasoline" Touka began "I didn't expect Yorkiko's food to let me down here"

"Touka who's stronger at full strength, you or Tsukiyama?"

"We were about even along time ago"

"I might have an idea"

Ayato continued attacking Tsukiyama slowly losing more and more stamina until..

"TSUKIYAMA!!" Ken shouted, gaining said males attention. Ken and Touka sat next to each before she bit into his shoulder. Causing the purple haired ghoul to let out an inhuman scream. (Not like he was human to being with.)

"He belongs to me!" Tsukiyama screeched, aiming his kagune at Touka.

"He belongs to you, don't make me laugh" Touka activated her own kagune "Because there's nothing here that belongs to you"

The two ghouls began the fight, Tsukiyama kagune now taking a sword like form.

The two ghouls continued to fight, destroying parts of the church in the process

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The two ghouls continued to fight, destroying parts of the church in the process. It was clear that Tsukiyama would lose this battle.

"It seems I have no choice" Tsukiyama said as he crash onto ground. He began rushing towards the alter. Before he could make it, he was pulled back by Nishiki.

"Let me go, Let me go, Let me go" Tsukiyama said repeatedly

"I'm tired of y-" before he could finish his sentence, his arm was cut off by Ayato. The now armless ghouls began laid on the floor laughing like a maniac.

"The show mustn't end here, no?" He stood up once again, and slowly started slowly approaching Ken.

"Kaneki-kun, just one bit....Just one-" He was finally knock out by Touka.

"Damned Gourmet" Touka said

Ayato, along with Nishiki, approached the altar and untied the two females, helping them down in the process.

"Now that Tsukiyama is taken of It's time for more pressing matters" as she said she faced the two younger teenagers.

"(YN) What's you relationship with Ayato" Touka said pointing her finger at the two

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