Chapter 10

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It gets a little lemony is this chapter, you have been warned.

~(YN) POV~


"What is it Ayato"

"Are you done yet"


"Ugh you're so boring"

Before being rudely disturbed by a certain ghoul, I was just quietly sitting in my room, reading manga when someone decided to let themselves in. Being the kind person I am, I decided to use him as my personal chair.

"Ugh" he groaned for the fiftieth time today

"What's wrong Ayato" I sighed

"You're not paying attention to me" he said putting his head on my shoulder

"Fine, what would you like to do" I ask

"You" Do You see what I have to put up with.

"(YYYYYYNNNNNNNNN)" He begins to whine. I turn towards him and give his cheek a quick peck.

"Now stop whining, you're being a baby"

I then felt his lips glaze over the back of my neck. As long as I don't acknowledge it, he'll stop. He left a few butterfly kisses here and there, nothing to serious. Until I felt his hands slide under my shirt.

"Stop Ayato"

"Just a little feel"

"No" I state


We sat in silence for a few more minutes before Ayato decided to snatch the manga out my hand and throw it across the room.

"What the hell, I was reading that" I tried to get up and get it but Ayato grabbed waist and pulled me back into his lap.

"What the hell, I was reading that" I tried to get up and get it but Ayato grabbed waist and pulled me back into his lap

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"Come on Ayato I paid good money for that."

"Is that book really more important than me"

"Well, yes" I say with no hesitation

"I didn't want you to answer. Wait are you serious!!"

"The love for my mangas will never die, You however, that's questionable."

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