Chapter 19: It's a Small World Part 1

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You sure you don't want to just hand it over like a good girl," he taunted "Once I start there's no stopping me."

"Yeah, I'll risk what I got." I told him.

"Alrighty then." he said causally "I summon Dark Demon!" There was a black flash of light and then there in front of us stood a deep red colored dragon.

"A demon dragon." I thought "Where're they getting these from!! Weren't they suppose to be banned a loong time ago!!"

"Haha! You ain't defeatin' this Dragon Master." he sneered at me. I pull out a Dragon Card. I smirked to myself when I saw what it was.

"I won't be so sure." I told him in a tone that said 'I know something you don't, and you're not going to like it'.

"I summon The Reaper!" I thunder with the Dragon Card in front of me. A black light flashes from my card and morphs into a terrifying dragon. The dragon's whole body was pitch black and it's spear sharp tail swished dangerously back and forth. The dragons soulless eyes bored deep into your soul and brought out your deepest fears. The Reaper had ears that were able to hear every single thing no matter how soft you said it and he towered over everyone being 20 ft. tall on his hind legs! The Reaper stood on his hind legs and held a very sharp and lethal battle axe. In general, he was not a dragon you would want to play around with and Mr. Smart Mouth knew it too. His eyes widened in fear, but then he saw me watching him and then he put back on his sneering face. But I saw through all that.

"You know, you're dragon is scary but mine is terrifying." I told him.

"And you know it." I added smirking.

He growled hesitantly.

"Dark Demon do Black Fire!" Mr. Makeup Man commanded. His demon dragon opened his blood red mouth and released black poisonous fire. Then an unusual incident happened and my dragon, The Reaper tapped his battle axe on the ground and out of nowhere Shadow Hunters appeared. Shadow Hunters are faceless creatures that keep their whole body hidden in black. They help The Reaper in the Underworld. They are amazing fighters that move like a shadow. They might be 100 feet away from you but in a blink of an eye they can be right up in your face. Anyway, the released Shadow Hunters formed a circle around me and The Reaper and extinguished the enemy demon dragon's fire. Both Dark Demon and Mr. Clown Face quivered in fear.

"H-hey th-that's n-n-not fair!" Mr. Clown Face stuttered out.

"Sweetie, playing Dragon Cards is just like life: you'll never know what will happen. You'll never know if your fire will be extinguished or your dragon exterminated," I told him with my voice dripping with fake sweetness. I watched as he shakes fearfully.

"Anyway! My turn," I said enthusiastically. Then more calmly I said "Pass." Mr. whatever-his-name-is and the dragon looked very puzzled. From the corner of my eye I saw my dragon looked at me with a knowing smile. So like this it went-my Shadow Hunters defending us and us passing until Mr. Clown Face yelled exasperatingly.

"As you wish," I answered "Reaper do Reaping Day." The terrifying black dragon raised his arms and soon there was a strong pull that sucked Dark Demon into the horrid depths of the Underworld leaving me and Reaper the champions of this Dragon Battle. I only had a few minutes to return Reaper to his dragon card and rejoice over my victory, before I heard someone yell "Watch out!" Then BAM! I was hit over the head . I fell and saw Mrs. Clown Face holding a metal pole, having her painted lips stretched into a smile before I let the blackness consume me.



Author's Note: Sorry for the REALLY late update. I've been REALLY BUSY-some days I only have two hours of sleep! There's a part two to this chapter hopefully I will update soon. Thank you for all the faithful readers out there. Remember to vote and comment! I love to hear from all you lovelies!

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