Chapter Five: I'm related to a Tiger?!

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Yedana was glowing. A bright blue light covered her. I watched fascinated by how all the bruises disappeared. Then soon it stopped.  Yedana looked good as new. "You should rest Yedana. You had a lot of bruises so a lot of magic needed to be used to heal them." I told Yedana. Even I was surprised of what I just said. "Thank you Cynthia for everything." she thanked me weakly before she falls into a soundless slumber. Everyone then shuffled outside. Dad came in. "I am very proud of you." Dad told me. "Thanks Dad." I reply. "Cynthia, I wanted to finish what I was telling you." he told me. "The tiger that you saw in your visions is your Great Grandmother. She turned into a tiger when she died to help you with your quest and to rule over the dragons." Dad finished. I stood there stunned. "M-my Great Grandmother is the friendly White Tiger?!" I asked. "Yes. She was the one who named you. I think she knew that you will be the Dite after her. She named you Cynthia after the Greek Moon Goddess Artemis. Her nickname was Cynthia since she was born on Mount. Cynthius." Dad told me. "I'll see you later. I have to go now sweetheart." he said as he left after he gave me a hug. I sat on my hospital bed. I needed to process this information. I need to learn more about my Great Grandmother's and my talent. So opened up the book Tom gave me-it was titled A Guide to Dite Magic. The book told me every kind of magic that I can do but the one that really caught my attention was a passage labeled Shape shifter:

"Dites are able to shape shift. They are able to shape shift into many things even humans. But the most common animal that Dites are able to shape shift into is the majestic White Tiger."

I wanted to try it out. So I closed my eyes and imagined myself transforming into a White Tiger. I opened my eyes and looked at the mirror.

Author's Note: Good/Bad? What do you think happened to Cynthia? Hehe. >:) THANKS TO ALL WHO ARE READING MY STORY! YOUR SUPPORT MEANS THE WORLD TO ME! Sorry that I was a little slow on the update. Atleast I didn't take 5 months like some authors! ( You know who you are! ;) ) Anyway Thanks. I uploaded a song that I think goes with Chapter Three.  So check that out! Anyone know a song that goes with ANY of the other chapters in Sharp as a Tiger? Comment if you do! I dedicated to joana32190 because she told me that my story reminds her of Eye of a Tiger. I took that as a song that fits this chapter.  THANK YOU ALL AGAIN! 

P.S. Does Anyone know how to link a picture that is in your documents? If you do PLEASE PLEASE TELL ME! I WLL LOVE YOU FOR ETERNITY!

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