Chapter 4

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Hook’s POV

    I checked the clock for the third time in 20 minutes. It was 5 til midnight. Time to get Regina. I slowly got up from the couch and crept to the hidden door, I slowly opened it careful not to have the door creek. I crept down the stairs and turned to the left to go to Regina’s cell.

I entered her cell to see her sitting on the floor holding her knees to her chest. She looked up from her lap and I looked into her deep and dark brown eyes. They were beautiful and captivating, I wanted to hold her and never let her go when I looked into her eyes. Her eyes connected with mine and I instantly saw relief fill within her.

“Killian.” She smiled at me, her beautiful white teeth glistening under the harsh light.

“Hello love.”, I closed the door behind me and made my way over to her.

“What are you doing here? Isn’t Cora right up stairs?” She asked me worriedly.

“Its time love.”

“Time for what?” She seemed confused.

“Time for my plan. To get you out of here. We’re leaving tonight. Right now actually.” I reached for her slim hands which were still locked away safely. She pulled them away as I tried to unlock them.

She looked into my eyes again, “Killian. We can’t. You know we can't. My mother will find us, she’ll do anything to stop us. Just look at what she did to..what she did to Daniel.”  As I saw her speak these words tears began to fill her eyes and her voice became shaky. “I can't lose you Killian. I can't lose someone again, if I do.” She returned her gaze to her hands, “I couldn't survive it.” I saw a tear fall from her eyes and I reached up to stop it in its tracks.

“Regina.” She continued to look into her lap. I used my good hand to cup her face and force her to look into my eyes. “Regina, you will never lose me. You want to know how?”

Her tears began to stop, “How?” She asked.

I kissed her gently on her soft plump lips, “Because I-,” I set my hook on her chest right above her heart, “I am right here. Always and forever.”

I watched as her facial expression changed, she smiled the biggest smile I’d seen the entire time I’d known her. She leaned forward into a deep and passionate kiss. I embraced it and we continued to kiss until neither of us could breathe.

Regina batted her wet eyelashes and spoke once more, “Then lets go, lets leave and run away. Together.”

I kissed her on her nose and helped her to her feet. I reached into my back right pocket and got out a key. I unlocked her hands from their cage and she flexed her fingers flinching as she did. It must have still hurt from Cora’s “methods”. I grabbed her left hand and intertwined her fingers with my right hand. We looked into each others eyes one last time before running out of the cell and out the door of the Mayors office. We’re doing it, I thought to myself, We’re going to be together. This will work.

Regina’s POV

We had been running for what felt like hours and I had been using what little strength I had left after my mother. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and my lungs felt like I was going to cough them up and straight out of my body. After we left my office we ran straight for the woods. I could tell Killian had an idea as to where we were going but I had no idea what so ever.

“Killian!” I managed to say between panting breaths. “Slow down. Where are we going?”

He stopped for a moment and turned to face me releasing my hand, “I know you're tired love and I’m sorry but we must keep going. Cora will be waking up soon and once she realises you're gone and she can't complete her task she will be furious and she will come after us. But if we keep going she won't find us, I promise.”

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