Chapter 7

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Hook’s POV

I stared back at Regina, she looked so beautiful. I felt so bad when I saw the bruise on her cheek. I had done that, I hit the woman I love. But it wasn't me, it was Cora. She had to pay.

“How did you manage to get down here?” Regina asked breaking me out of my trance.

“Ah now ya see that's the complicated part love.”

Regina’s gaze intensified, “Killian. How did my mother let you down here.”

“I made a deal with her. It was the only way to see you without killing your mother.”

I lifted my hand up and caressed the side of her face, she leaned her head into my hand, “You can tell me. I won't be mad.”

“Well, she wanted an alliance. So I gave her one. She told me to take your heart to show her that I was on her side.”

Reginas mouth had dropped open. I could tell the anger inside her was starting to rise.

“You promised her my heart!?” She said as her voice got louder.

I held my hands up defensively, “As you can see I don't have your heart at the moment so I’m obviously on your side here dear.”

“At the moment? What does that mean?”

I was at a loss for words. I didn't know how to explain my situation. “Listen lass, I’m not going to take your heart or harm our baby. I just wanted to make sure you're safe, so yeah if I have to tell Cora that I’m taking your heart to see you then I will. That's what happens when you love someone.” The words just slipped out. I didn't stop them. They felt so right, saying that I loved her.

<Regina’s POV>

“You love me?” I asked taken aback by what he had just said.

Killian took his hand and rubbed his stubbly chin. He laughed to himself and smiled, “Yeah. I do.”

His smile got bigger as he heard himself speak the words, “I love you Regina Mills.”

My heart was beating so fast I swear it was going to burst out of my chest. I looked at the man in front of me. Tall, dark and handsome, and he was all mine. Because he loved me.

The tears in my eyes began to well up again, “I love you too.”

Killian grabbed my face in his rough hand and hook as we embraced in a heartwarming kiss. It was slow and passionate. I felt our tongues entangle in wild steamy passion. He tasted like rum and smelled like firewood. We released each other reaching for air. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

Lust filled both of our eyes as we looked at each other again. “Cora gave me 1 hour down here with you,” He said as he started to unlock her hands and feet freeing them from their cages, “So why don't we make the best of it.”

I smiled and smacked my lips against his again. He let out a moan when instead of answering I ran my tongue down the line of his neck. I wrapped my legs around his waist.

He pushed me up against the wall. I had now unwrapped my legs from around him and was standing pressed to the wall. I could tell  Killian was grateful to have his hands free as he ran them up my sides. He desperately wanted to touch me. He brought his hands back down to the hem of my t-shirt as I raised my arms, in one quick move he had it off and on the floor. I was wearing a simple black bra with just a hint of lace around the edges. He grinned and brought his head down to kiss the newly exposed flesh.

I couldn't breathe the only thing going through my mind at the moment was that I wanted to feel his skin under my hands. I tugged his leather vest  from his pants and began working on the buttons but was fumbling, my fingers didn't seem to want to cooperate with me.

I could tell Killian was finding it slightly amusing that he had me so worked up I couldn't even work the buttons on his vest. Just as he was about to pull back and help me I let out a frustrated breath grabbed both sides of the vest and tore it down the middle.

Killian chuckled. "A bit eager are we?" His laugh turned into a moan when I brought my lips down to his chest that I was still exploring with my hands.

I pushed the ruined vest the rest of the way off and brought my hands around to his bottom giving it a tight squeeze as he brought his mouth back down to mine. He moved his hand to the front my of jeans and after releasing the button and the zipper pushed them down over my hips. I stepped out of them gracefully and he saw that my panties matched my black bra.

I reached for his belt buckle as we layed down on the floor gently. Just as he unhooked the back of my bra. I shrugged out of it and he stepped back a moment just to look at me. For a moment I felt self conscious under his intense stare. His hands were gentle as he ran them up my body and his voice rough with passion as he said "You are so beautiful."

My breath caught at his sudden tenderness. He brought his lips down to mine as he caressed me.

I had managed to open his jeans and I brought my hand down to run it along his length. He let out a deep groan as he lowered me to the floor. He stepped out of his jeans and boxers all at one time. He let the exploration of my body continue only this time using his mouth. He teased me with his tongue running it along my stomach. He feathered light kisses between my breasts and back up to my neck. He was teasing me and it was having the desired effect. I took his hand that was currently on my hip and brought it to my breast. I desperately wanted him to touch me there. He obliged me by teasing my nipple with his thumb as he brought his mouth down to the other one. I gasped and arched my back when he closed my nipple lightly between his teeth then let go soothing it with his tongue.

I whimpered as my need for him grew. He was feasting on my body and my heart was pounding so hard I thought it may possibly just beat right out of my chest.

"Killian please! Stop playing with me."I panted it against his skin.

He grinned down at me and moved down my body again to remove my panties. He kissed my legs on the way back up and as came to my belly he slipped his hand down to my center and let out a groan of his own when he found me warm and wet. Positioning himself between my legs he brought his mouth back up to mine and hovered for just a moment. He covered my mouth at the same time as he drove himself into me swallowing the cry I let out.

I came almost immediately and my body felt weak after the intense orgasm. My arms fell limp to the floor. I  felt as if I had lost all motor function. Killian leaned down and took my lips in a passionate kiss. “I love you Regina. Forever and always.”

I smiled at him, “I love you too. Now about my mother.”

He groaned and rolled onto his side at the mention of her, “We couldn't have 20 minutes.”

I laughed, “Well if we want a family and a life outside of this cage then we need to do something. And I have an idea this time.”

Killian rolled over again and looked at me, “Do you now? And what might that be your majesty?”

I slapped him on the arm and laughed, “Yes a real idea.” Killian continued to giggle, I slapped him again, “I’m serious. We have to take her heart. If we find it and destroy it, then she can't hurt us, or our baby.”

“Lets do it.” He smiled and laced his fingers through mine.

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