Chapter 14

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Regina's POV

The only thought on my mind was that I had to get to Killian. Gold was ruthless when he wanted to be, if he made a threat he went through with it. I ran through the front door of my house as fast as I could screaming for Killian. He came from the bedroom panicking as I was yelling. The second I saw him I ran to him, wrapping my arms around him as tightly as I could.

"Regina whats wrong? Are you alright? Did someone hurt you?"

"I'm fine. Are you ok? Did Gold stop by?"

He looked at me confused, "No ones been here love." He set his hand on my forehead as if to check my temperature, "Are you sure you're alright?"

I swatted his hand away, channeling the independant woman I used to be, "I'm fine I don't need to be babied."

He looked hurt by my nasty remark, "Alright. If you're sure you're fine. Now why would Gold be here?"

"I don't know what his problem is but I went to the shop to talk to him about the ring and he threatened to kill you right before my eyes." Tears had began to form, "I cant lose you. So I ran back here to make sure you're ok. And you are so now I'm ok."

He kissed me lightly, "Well I'm glad were all ok. All 3 of us." He said as he rubbed his hand over my bulging belly.

I smiled, "Now can we go get something to drink. I'm parched from running from the car."

He looked at me with one eyebrow perched up, "From running from the car?"

I slapped him on the arm, "Hey I'm pregnant. Its hard work!"

He laughed and we walked into the kitchen.  He poured me a glass of water and then he himself got out a glass of milk. He had decided that he would give up rum, for the baby.

I took a drink before I spoke again, "So do you have any errands to run because I was thinking we could go get baby supplies. "

He nodded his head in agreement, "Thats sounds good. What stor-"

Before he could finish his sentence I watched as he crashed to the floor in a flash. I stood there in awe as his eyes fluttered closed. I fell limp beside him and held him in my arms. The tears flowed out of my eyes as I shook him.

"Killian please. Wake up please!" I continued to shake him and the tears continued to stream down my face. He wasn't waking up. No this cannot be happening.  "Killian please wake up!" I felt my heart stop in that moment.  This was my fault. I did this. But then I remembered what Snow did to wake up Charming. I wiped the tears off my face and braced myself for what was coming next. I leaned down slowly and set my lips upon his. I felt a jolt of electricity and wind run through me. I lifted my head up to see what had happened. I kept my gaze on Killian for a few seconds before realizing he wasn't going to wake up. More tears stremed down my face as I layed my head upon his chest.  I could feel his slow breathing while he slept.

I lifted my head once again. "Please wake up." I plead.

Just as I was about to give up hope I saw a small smirk appear on Killians face, "Try it again love, not sure it worked."

I laughed as I felt tears of joy fall down my face. I hugged him hard and kissed him as passionately as I could. "You're an ass hole you know that?"

He sat up and kissed me back looking deep into my eyes, "Trust me lass, I know."

We both stood up and my eyss opened wide in shock.

"What happened?"

I looked up into his eyes, "My water just broke."

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