Chapter 6

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Regina’s POV

I was shocked. There was no way I could be pregnant. It just wasn't possible. First off I was too old. Second, Killian and I barely even had sex. I looked back at my mother and I couldn't read her expression. She looked shocked. I was so scared for what she might do to the baby. I knew my mother could sense peoples presences, thats why she was so hard to sneak up on. But could she really sense a week old baby?

My mother continued to look at me in awe, “I knew you and the pirate were close but Regina, really? A child? Your taste in men really hasn't improved.” She shook her head.

My blood started to boil as I heard her insult him, “You have no right to speak about him that way!” I yelled now angry.

Cora smiled and shook her head side to side, “My dear Regina when will you learn. I’m you're mother and I know best.”

Cora lifted her right hand and stretched it out towards me. She slowly closed her hand into a fist and as she did I felt the breath in my lungs starts to disappear. Panic surged through me. No no no no no. I will protect this baby. It will not end up like my other. Tears escaped from my eyes as I started to get light headed from not having enough oxygen. I felt my eyes start to droop as I drifted into a memory like state…

I could feel the wind blowing through my hair. The loud gallops of my horse beneath me. A smile on my face as big as can be. Happiness, I thought. This is what happiness feels like. My horse came to a slow as I approached Daniel on our secret hill. The hill itself wasn't a secret but it was where we met. I dismounted off my horse and ran towards Daniel to embrace him. We hugged and he kissed me passionately.

“I thought we could take a ride to Firefly hill. Be back by sundown, have a picnic.” Daniel said out of breath from our kiss.

I gave him an apologetic smile, “I can't I uh, I have to be back in an hour. Tea time,” I said as I rolled my eyes, “A lady never misses her tea time.”

Daniel released my hands and took a step back obviously irritated, “This is absurd. Stealing kisses between lunch and tea. When are you going to tell your parents about us?”

I walked towards him setting my hands on his arms, “It’s not my parents. It’s her.” My head dropped towards the floor.

Daniel shook his head, “I don't understand. So I work in the stables, she started out as the daughter of a miller. Wouldnt she of all people understand?”

I cut him off towards the end of him talking, “She does, but she thinks once trajectory needs to keep moving up and-”

Daniel cut me off next, “And I’m down.” He pushed my hands aside and turned to walk away.

I walked towards him again, my heart pounding. “She believes that, Daniel.” I grabbed his arm once again and turned him to face me. I looked into his eyes smiling, “I know better.”

He adjusted his position so he was completely facing me, “Regina tell her. She’ll get over it what can she do?”

Now I started to retreat backwards, “Have you not seen her magic? The real question is what can't she do.” Tears welled up in my eyes.

Daniel cupped my face in his hands, “Who cares about magic. True love is the most powerful magic of all. It can overcome anything.”

I leaned in and kissed him once again. His lips fit perfectly into mine. We were meant for eachother. A few moments later we both stood back breathless. I looked into his eyes. I can't keep a secret from him. I have to tell him, now.

He grabbed my hands and pulled me closer to him, I lifted my head and spoke, “Daniel. I have something to tell you.”

He kissed my nose lightly, “What is it Regina?”

“I-uh, Well after our night in the stables,” I blushed at the thought of our first night together, “I- I’m pregnant Daniel. 7 weeks.”

Daniel’s expression changed. I panicked. I knew he wouldn't be happy. He doesn't want this. Tears welled into my eyes again. I turned to get onto my horse again and ride away but he garbbed my hand. He spinned me around and embraced me in a heartwarming hug. I was tense at first but then I relaxed and took in his hug.

He pulled back and lifted my head to look him in the eyes, “We’re going to be parents Regina. We’re going to be a family.”

Tears of joy escaped from my eyes as he kissed me again. After we kissed we just held onto each other for a while until I heard screams off into the distance. I lifted my head from his chest to see what it was. I was shocked by what I saw. A little girl, no more than 10, was on a horse gone rampant. I looked at Daniel and he nodded in understanding. I jumped onto my horse and rode after her down the hill…

I jolted awake. The first thing I did was touch my stomach. I felt my face next, my hands were cold and they chilled my flushed cheeks. I was so sure my mother was going to kill me, and my baby. I noticed that I had tears down my face. I remembered what I was thinking about while I was unconscious. Daniel. Oh god, I can't let myself think about him. Him or Gracie. I can't. My attention was caught suddenly by someone entering my room. My heart sped up when I saw who it was. Hook.

“Killian.” I smiled.

He ran towards me and kissed me, hard. I was shocked at first but then leaned into it. When we pulled back I saw he had tears in his eyes.

“Whats wrong?” I asked.

“I was so worried I lost you. I can't lose you Regina. I can't. I’ve already lost one love, I wouldn't survive losing another.”

“I’m fine. For now.”

He looked at my cheek to see a big purple bruise starting to show, “Who did that to you?”

I avoided eye contact when he asked me, “No one I’m fine Killian.”

“Regina, who hit you? Was it your mother?”

I sighed, “No. It was, it was you.”

He looked taken aback by what I just said, “I hit you? Oh god Regina I’m so sorry.”

“It’s not your fault. My mother found us, she took your heart. She was controlling you.  But you obviously have it back.” I stated as I felt the warmth on his chest.

He smiled at me.

“Killian? I need to tell you something.”

He looked confused, “Alright, what is it love?”

I took a deep breath before I spoke again, “Killian, I-- I’m pregnant. My mother knows.”

Hooks expression changed. Just like Daniel, oh god he's going to leave me. Just like with Daniel my eyes welled up with tears. But he didn't react how I thought. Instead he kissed me and smiled back at me.

I smiled back at him before he spoke, “Guess we need to come up with another plan then don't we?”

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