Chapter 10

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Regina’s POV

I awoke with the most excruciating headache. I got up from my bed and made my way to my grand bathroom. I walked in and smiled admiring the crimson granite counter and crystal white sink. I was going to brush my teeth when a strange sensation came over me. I ran straight for the toilet and lifted the seat. I felt the contents of my stomach empty out into the swirling white abyss of water. My head was still spinning and now my stomach was upset. Amazing. Once my stomach finally settled to the point where I wasn't up chucking everything, as in I had no food left, I got in the shower and cleaned myself off.

20 minutes later I was out of the shower, towel on my head and around my body. I made my way towards my closet to find something to where. I looked around and saw the long line of pant suits and silky slim t-shirts. Could I be anymore formal? I thought. I walked to the way back of my closet and fished out an old pair of washed out mom jeans and a dark purple v-neck t-shirt. I got dressed and did my hair, brushed my teeth and put on some make up. I was applying a layer of bright red lipstick when I heard my doorbell ring. Please don't be Killian, I thought. 

I reached the door and when I opened it I was stunned at who was standing before me, it was Snow White. 

“Snow. Can I help you?” I asked as politely as possible.

She smiled at me in greeting, “Hello Regina. Good morning. And actually I’m here to help you.”

I was seriously confused, “Help me? And how are you planning to do that?” 

“By giving you the one thing you need. Love.”

“Excuse me? I don't know what you're implying.”

She held up her hand defensively, “I saw you last night Regina so there's no need in denying it.”

I opened my mouth to speak but then closed it, afraid to say something I might regret.

“Regina why did you tell him to leave?”

I took a deep breath, “Can we do this in the living room please?” I said gesturing towards the living room. Snow stepped in and walked where my hand was pointed.

We sat down and I began to talk, “What exactly did you hear last night?”

“I heard you and Hook talking. You told him you couldn't be together because of Henry and because people might judge you for-” She stopped mid sentence when she saw me protectively put my hand over my stomach, my eyes averting hers. 

Tears began to form in my eyes and I spoke again with what breath I had left, “Yes I told him we can't be together. Its not- its not right. People already hate me and if they find out that the man who helped keep me captive got me pregnant,” A tear escaped its cage in my eye and fell, “Well it wouldn't end well. I would be judged and I cannot be judged by people anymore than I already am.”

Snows gaze softened when she saw me break down, “Regina, he loves you. So much and you don't even see that.”

“I know he loves me but...but my mother was right. Love is weakness.”

Snow shook her head and her voice became louder, “No Regina. Love is strength. Love broke the curse now didn't it? And your child,” She gestured to my stomach, “do you want your child to be fatherless? Alone?”

My tears slowed down and she continued to comfort me, “No. I want my child to be happy but-”

Snow cut me off, “But nothing Regina. You love him, he loves you. Who gives a damn what anyone else thinks? Go to him Regina. Be with him.”

I looked up at Snow again, she was smiling at me. I leaned forward and hugged her tightly. I whispered into her ear, “Thank you Snow. Thank you.” I pulled back and wiped the tears from my eyes. “I’m going to find Hook. Please don't tell anyone about this until I talk to him.”

Snows smile got even bigger, “I promise.”

Hook’s POV

I had woken up from Granny’s alone and saddened. Regina hasn't spoke to me all day and it is killing me. I went downstairs to get some breakfast. Ruby walked over and asked what I wanted, I ordered and she left. I had no idea how I was going to get Regina back. I am convinced that she doesn't really want this. She can't want this. For her child to not have a father. I was so caught up in my train of thought that I didn't even notice the fair skinned blonde who had been eyeing me the entire morning. She was sitting in a corner booth sipping what looked like hot chocolate. 

I turned my head forward again and smiled to myself. I knew I was handsome but really. I finished my breakfast and got up to leave the diner and I heard footsteps behind me. I exited the building and turned around to see the woman following me.

I smiled to myself, “Can I help you lass?”

The woman stopped in her tracks and seemed startled that I noticed her, “Oh sorry I just- I’m Emma by the way. Henry’s mom.”

“Ah the woman who gave him away.”

Her face turned sad as I said that, “I’m sorry I didn't mean to be rude its just, I’m sorry.”

“No its fine,” She put her hands into her pockets and rocked back and forth on her heels,” I did give him up yes. But now I’m back so.” Emma started to walk toward me slowly. “You know, you're not like the Hook I grew up seeing.”

“Have we met before? I would remember a face like yours.”

Emma smiled and continued to walk towards me, “Um ha ha no. But its complicated. I know of you I guess. And let me say you are much more...attractive in this land.”

Before I knew what was happening Emma leaned forward and kissed me, she wrapped her arms around my neck making it impossible for me to break free. When she finally released me I pushed her away.

“What the hell do you think you're doing mate!” I yelled.

“I-uh I’m sorry I just thought-”

She was cut off by a voice behind me, “Killian?”

I turned to see the one person I had been dying to see all day, Regina. She had tears in her eyes and her hand on her stomach. She looked me with horror in her eyes. She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. I watched her as she turned and began to half run half walk away. No no no no no this cannot be happening. I ran after her down the street. I have to fix this. Now. 

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