Chapter 9

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 Regina’s POV

Killian and I made our way towards the town. Honestly I was nervous, I had been missing for over a week and yet no one seemed to come looking for me. Hand in hand we walked past the library and clock tower. I looked up towards Killians face and our eyes connected. I smiled at him as he squeezed my hand in reassurance. 

“Where do you think everyone is?” I asked while looking around at the empty streets.

“I’m not sure, lets check the diner.”

We walked towards the diner and saw everyone standing inside around the counter. I opened the door with Killian trailing behind me, and the little bell dinged as the door opened. When I walked in I saw shocked faces. Snow, David, Emma, Henry and even Grumpy were all surrounding a table as the turned and looked at me.

“Mom?” Henry asked from behind Emma.

I felt my smile reach my ears, “Henry!”

Henry ran towards me and embraced me in a huge hug. Tears welled up in my eyes. I was so happy to be home. 

“Regina?” Emma walked towards me, “Is that really you?”

I released Henry and tried to compose myself.

“Yes Miss Swan. Why are you all here?” I asked puzzled as to why almost every member of the town was in Granny’s.

David stepped forward, “Actually were here for you. We were trying to come up with a plan to storm City Hall without having Cora kill us all. But obviously,” He gestured towards Hook, “you already have your knight in shining armor.” I saw David smile at his own joke.

I turned to see Hook standing there awkwardly. I smiled at him slightly.

“Hook merely was working with my mother and he helped me get away. Cora is dead now.” 

“Ah I see.” David said nodding.

Next Snow stepped forward. At first it was slow then she ran towards me and pulled me into a tight hug. I was taken aback by the actions that had just occurred. But I relaxed and hugged her back.

Her voice was muffled in my hair as she spoke, “Regina I’m so glad you're ok. What happened?”

I took a step back, “My mother. She wanted to...see me.” 

Snow looked at me confused, “What do you mean see you?” I saw her carefully studying the bruises on my face and neck. “Regina?”

I shook my head, “I’m fine really Snow.”

Emma stepped forward passed David, “Regina you don't look fine.”

Hook stood forward defensively as Emma and the others continued to question me, “Regina has had a long week. I think its best that I get her home and into bed.” 

I stood and watched the 3 look back and forth at each other confused, “Alright I guess that makes sense. Is it ok if we come and speak to you tomorrow Regina?” David asked.

I nodded, “That should be fine.” I leaned down to my right to where Henry stood, “Henry dear, you stay with Emma tonight and I will see you tomorrow.” 

Henry looked disappointed, “Fine. But I’m coming over bright and early tomorrow.”

I smiled as his words processed through my head. He really wants to see me. Maybe he does love me

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see who it was, “Are you ready to go lass?”

“Yes.” and then I turned and walked out of the diner, Hook in step behind me.

Hook’s POV

I walked Regina up to her front door and watched as she looked for her spare key. She reached into the pot containing a tree. Her fingers were trembling so I walked over to help her. I touched her hand gently and felt her relax. She looked up at me and I saw tears in her eyes. I could tell she was still a little frightened, and probably sad that her mother was dead. Forever.

“Regina,” I walked a little close to her, “are you alright? I can see you shaking.”

“I’ll be fine don't worry about me Killian.” She said as a tear escaped her eye.

“Do you want me to stay with you tonight?” I asked hopeful that she would allow me to comfort her and hold her while we slept.

“Killian I don't think that's best. I think that we need to take it slow, for a while atleast.”

I was confused, “What do you mean slow? For gods sake you're carrying my child. How much slower does it get?”

“I know I just… I don't want people to know about us.” Her face dropped down towards the ground.

“Us? You mean-”

She cut me off, “We can't see each other Killian. Its bad for us. I just got Henry back and lost my mother. I can't handle people judging me for, for this” She gestured to her stomach.

“Are you saying I can't see you? That I can't comfort you or hold you anymore?”

More tears ran down her face, “I’m sorry Killian. I love you, I really do I just- I can't do this.” And with that she unlocked her door and was about to close it when she said one last thing to me, “I’m sorry.” and the door closed.

I was in shock. The woman I love, the mother of child is gone. Wants nothing to do with me. I turned and walked off her porch. I didn't know where I was going to stay. I was about to go to the left when a woman approached me from behind.

“Can I help you miss?”

The woman walked towards me into the shine of the moon. Her hair was a short pixie cut, black as night. “You love Regina?” She asked.

“Yes,” I avoided eye contact with her, “But it doesn't matter now. Were done. She wants nothing to do with me.”

The womans head cocked to the right, “Give it time. There's a B&B up at Granny’s. Stay awhile. Don't give up on her. She needs love.”

I nodded, “Thank you. Whats your name lass?”

“Mary Margaret. But most people call me Snow.” She smiled and walked away back into the night. 

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