Chapter 12

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 Regina’s POV

Killian and I left the hospital the next day and went back to my house. I stayed in bed all day as he made me meals, helped me to the restroom and comforted me late at night when I would wake up screaming from night terrors. I had always had them but now they were worse. I awoke to the same one every night, my mother chasing me on my horse, baby in arms when suddenly my child disappears and I turn to see it in my mothers arms. As I turn around to go back for her I watch my mother snap the child's neck and then I wake up. Its horrible. It was around 6 o’clock at night when Killian came up stairs and knocked on my door, I set my book down on the table.

“Come in. I’m decent.”

Killian opened the door and walked in. I was shocked by what I saw when he walked in the room, he had on a black tux with a long dark tie. His hair was gelled back. He had the biggest smile on his face, “Mind if we do something different tonight?” He asked.

I sat up in bed, “And what are you proposing we do?”

He walked into my closet and grabbed out a maxi dress, one that was big enough to fit around my large belly. “Change into this, doll yourself up and come down stairs when you're ready.”

I walked to the closet and got changed, then I went to my bathroom to re-apply my make up. Then I began my descent down the stairs.

The lights were dimmed and I could smell caramel apple candles lit all around the room. I smiled as I turned the corner into the kitchen to see Killian at the stove cooking. It was truly a sight to see. I sniffed the air to attempt to see what he was cooking. I laughed out loud when I recognised what it was. Fish.

“Very original dear.” I said as I walked towards him setting my hands on the back of his shoulders. I kissed the side of his cheek before he turned the stove off and faced me. He looked ravishing in his tux. He smiled and kissed me on my lips. 

“Mmm if you keep doing that then we may just have to skip dinner.”

“I think I’ll stick with dinner.” He said smugly as he touched my belly. I slapped him playfully.

“Now your majesty that's no way to treat a pirate.”

“Oh you're much more than a pirate.” I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

He pulled back and held my hand as he led me to the dinner table. I chose my chair as he pulled it out from behind me, “Why thank you kind sir.” I said sarcastically. Killian brought the meal over to the table and served it out to me and him. He rose again to get us something to drink. He handed me a glass of a orange brownish colored liquid. I took a drink and almost spit it out from laughter when I realised what it was. 

“Apple juice really?”

He laughed and we continued our dinner. It was truly lovely. We talked for hours. Once we finished dinner her stood to go and turn something on. ‘Give Into Me’ played out of my stereo as he walked towards me smiling, “May I have this dance m’lady?”.

I stood up and curtsied, “Indeed noble sir you may.” He set his hook on my hip and set my hand in his. We slowly grew closer together as the song drew on. I looked into his beautiful bright blue eyes. “Killian” 

He continued to look into my eyes, “Yes?”

“I just wanted to tell you I love you.” I set my forehead against his and we slow danced the rest of the night away. A good 6 songs later my head was resting on Killians shoulder when he took a step back. We released each others grips as I stood back. At first I didn't know what he was doing but the next thing I knew Killian was on one knee and he spoke, “Regina Mills, you are the love of my life. I never thought I could ever love anyone the way I love you. I am so happy that we are having this baby,” His good hand skimmed my large belly “ and I would be even happier if you would do the honor of being my wife. Will You Marry Me?”

My eyes were full of tears as I saw the ring sitting perfectly in his hook, my emotions were overflowing and they were ready to make me burst. “Yes, a million times yes!” Killian stood and we embraced each other once again in a passionate and deep kiss. I pulled back as I realised that his left hand was the one with his hook. Now that just wouldn't do

I pulled him back and held his hook in my hand. I conjured up magic into my fingers and within a matter of seconds his hook was gone, replaced with a fully functioning hand. I looked at his face and saw awe and amazement. He kissed me again this time using both of his hands to cup my face. When we broke apart he spoke, “Now what ever will you call me your majesty?”  I laughed and went right back into his arms. The only place I ever wanted to be from this day forward.

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