Chapter 16

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Sorry its so short. I have a lot of homework and stuff to do lately! I'll post more soon!!!

Regina’s POV

I was in a state of shock. Twins. How did Whale not see this before. Killian squeezed my hand again and brought me back to reality, “Get ready to push again Regina.” I took a deep breath as I prepared myself for more pain.

“This one should only take about 2 pushes Regina. She’s pretty close to coming out.”

2 pushes later I heard the beautiful cries of my second child entering our world. Whale wrapped her in a blanket and handed her off to the nurse. I tried to stay awake but it was hard. I was so tired and worn out, my eyes were barely staying open. Whale brought over 2 glass carriers and spoke, “Regina look. Heres your children,” I looked at Killian with tears of joy in my eyes. I was happier than beyond compare. I watched as Killian wiggled his finger around one of the babies faces.

“What shall we name them?” Killian asked me.

I smiled and looked down at the beautiful babies before me, “Jasmine for the girl. Just like we planned.”

“And for the boy?” Whale asked.

I looked to Killian to see if he had any ideas.

"Actually I have a name in mind. Liam. It was my brothers name "

I smiled, "I love it."

Whale took the babies out of the room and sent them down to the hospital nursery. Killian sat in the chair next to me and we both drifted off into sleep.

I awoke to a thud hearing someone come in the door so fast it banged off of the back of the wall. I looked quickly to the doorway to see who it was. I relaxed when I saw it was Killian. But his facial expression worried me. He looked like tears were about to form in his eyes.

"Dear, what's wrong?"

He walked slowly towards me, "Jasmine. She's- she's gone. They can't find her anywhere. They said her Godfather check out with her 2 hours ago while we were sleeping."

My heart sped up as what he had just told me registered through my body. Someone had my baby. My daughter.

"Wha- who is her Godfather? We haven't even picked anyone."

Killians eyes went from the floor to meet my eyes, "Gold."

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