Chapter 13

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Hook’s POV

I awoke the next morning in Regina’s arms. The ring looked beautiful on her finger. It was slim and gold with a 1 karat diamond. I found it in Gold’s pawn shop. Luckily he wasn't there, it was a young woman. Belle I think was her name. I dangled my fingers along Regina’s arm and she stirred awake. She yawned and turned out of my grip to face me.

She smiled, her eyes still droopy, “Morning.”

I kissed the tip of her nose, “Morning love.”

“What time is it?” She asked obviously still tired.

I looked over her shoulder at the clock, “Looks like its about 8:45.”

“Ugh, why are we awake then?”

I laughed and kissed her on her forehead, “Go back to bed lass. I will make us some breakfast and come up when its done.”

“Sounds good to me.” She grumbled as the pulled the covers over her head and went back to bed.

I got up and put on some sweatpants, leaving the upper half of my body exposed. I walked down the stairs and turned the corner and entered the kitchen. I reached under the counter and grabbed out a frying pan. I set it on the stove and turned the heat to 7. Next I grabbed out some eggs and toast. Doing things with 2 hands was much better than having a hook. Although I did miss that part of me. The eggs had finished cooking and I set them out on a plate and set the table. I made my way back up stairs to find Regina putting on a Dallas Cowboys sweatshirt with her maternity jeans that I bought her the other day. She noticed me walk in and smiled, “Breakfast ready?”  I nodded and intertwined her fingers with mine as I led her down the stairs. We entered the kitchen and Regina walked to sit down. “Killian this looks wonderful. Thank you dear.” She smiled up at me

I sat in my seat and spoke, “So what are your plans for the day, fiance?” I smiled when the word rolled of my tongue. 

She smiled at me as she chewed her eggs, she swallowed them and replied, “ Well, fiance, I plan on going to the jewelry shop to clean the ring and then go to the cleaners. And probably go to the store and get some baby food because I’m guessing we have a week left or so.” She rubbed her hand on her belly, “By the way where did you get the ring on such short notice?”

I took another bite of my food and swallowed, “Gold’s pawn shop.”

I saw Regina choke on the bite she had in her mouth, “Really? And how did that go? With Gold I mean?”

“He wasn't there. It was another woman. Belle.”

She nodded in understanding, “So if he was there? What would you have done?”

“I’m not sure actually. I still would prefer to skin my crocodile.”

“Killian. Still? I have given up on my revenge. Can't you?” 

I dropped my head to look at my plate and took a deep breath, “For you my love, anything.”

She reached across the table and put her hand over mine, “Thank you. I don't want Gold to have any reason to hurt you.” She smiled at me and we finished our breakfast.

Regina’s POV

Once we finished our breakfast I went back upstairs to change into something more socially acceptable. I changed and yelled to Killian telling him I was heading into town. He gave me a goodbye kiss and I got into my car and left. I pulled up to Gold’s shop first to see what he thought I should do to clean the ring. I walked into his shop and heard the ending of an argument between him and Belle.

“Rumple! Stop you said you wouldn't do this. Just leave him alone.”

Rumple pushed Belle out of his way angrily and walked with his cane, “I already made up my mind and I’m not changing it.” He stopped mid stride when he saw me standing in the doorway, his gaze when from my face to my bulging belly. “Been busy lately dearie?” He asked sarcastically. 

I rubbed my hand over my belly and smiled not caring about what Rumplestiltskin of all people thought of me, “Yes actually. And I came here to ask you how I should clean this.” I pushed my hand out in front of me to show him my ring.

His eyes got big as he saw the ring. He pointed towards me, “He got the ring for you?”

My cheeks blushed, “Yes he did.”

Gold walked towards me and was about to exit the shop when he stopped next to my ear and whispered something to me, “Keep him close dearie. Don't want him to fall asleep on you forever now do we?” 

My mouth dropped open, “Is that a threat Gold?”

He smiled sickly as he opened the door to leave, “Its a promise.” And with that he left the shop. I stood there in awe, I had to get to Killian. Now. 

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