Chapter 3

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Regina POV

    3 days had gone by, but for me it felt like an eternity. My mother continued to use her methods on me. I felt weak, hopeless and ashamed. I felt ashamed because I was weak and hopeless. The Evil Queen never showed weakness, never showed fear. And yet I was doing both. I had only seen Hook twice in the past 3 days, it was torture. I missed him so much it hurt, everytime he left it was like he took a piece of me with him. On the worst nights he would stay with me, leather jacket wrapped around my arms with me in his lap. It just felt so, right. I just wanted to escape. To run away and be in his arms forever. But I know this can't happen, my mother would kill Hook and then me. I shuddered at the thought of my mother hurting him. My mother told me I had one last “treatment” before she thought I would be fully ready to beg for her mercy. I heard a knock at my door and broke my concentration. I looked towards the door with my heart pounding in my chest. I was so scared it was my mother. But when the door opened relief filled within me, it was Hook.

I looked at him and smiled, “Hook.”

He half walked half ran towards me. He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me passionately. When we released each other he spoke, “Hello love, I’ve missed you.”

I just looked at him in awe. How could this man, a scruffy pirate, be the love of my life? When I looked into his beautiful blue eyes I melted. His black leather trench coat and black v-neck shirt, it gave me tingles when I looked at him. I wanted to get up, kiss him and have him hold me. But considering I was chained to the floor, that wasn't really an option.

“I have a plan.” He said.

A curious look crossed over my face, “A plan for what?”

“A plan to get you out of here love. A way for us to be together, away from Cora.”

Disappointment filled within me, “Hook, thank you. But you know we can't. My mother, she will kill us before we even leave this cell.”

His smile disappeared when I told him, “Just hear me out lass. It will work I promise.”

He kissed me gently on the forehead and stood up, “Now I will be back down tonight, Cora just wanted me to check on you to make sure you're still alive.”

I nodded my head in acceptance and he stared at me. I felt as if he was gazing into my soul trying to see what I was thinking. “I’ll be fine. Go Hook.”

He smiled and turned around about to leave the room when he said something else, “Oh and love, call me by my real name. You’ve earned it.”

“What is it?” I asked curiously.

“Killian. Killian Jones.”

Hooks POV

    When I left her down there I was angry at myself. What kind of man leaves the woman he loves to be tortured by her mother. I thought about it some more and realized she was safer down there away from Cora right now. I walked up the stairs to see Cora standing there waiting for me.

“Well?” She asked, “How is she?”

I sighed quietly to myself, “She’s broken.”

Cora smiled sickly and when she did it made me want to jab my hook right through her heart. If she had one.

“Now for the next and final stage. To get her to admit she needs me. Then she will be completely mine.”

“And how exactly will you accomplish that?”

She looked at me with her cold dead eyes, “By taking her heart of course. Once she sees that life without a heart is so much better she will understand where I’m coming from.”

I choked when I heard her say that, “You’re going to take her heart?”

“Of course.

I was worried she would see the concern on my face but she walked away from me. Before she walked up the stairs she cocked her head around and spoke, “We begin tomorrow morning. Get some sleep Hook. You look like you need it.” She smiled at me and walked away. When she left I cursed under my breath. If Cora takes Regina’s heart will she still love me? God is that even a question, of course not. I have to do something. I have to get her out, tonight.

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