Chapter 5

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Sorry it's so short! Ill keep posting this week!


Regina’s POV

    2 days had passed since the first time Hook and I slept together. We had done it every night since, and it was amazing. I felt whole when I was in his arms. I never wanted to leave them. I sat up in the bed to see that Killian was gone. He told me a while ago that he left to go get firewood. He had been gone a while and I was beginning to get worried. Its not that I thought he couldn't handle himself but with Cora out there looking for us, neither of us were safe. I got up from the bed and headed for the bathroom. The only thing I wanted right now was a warm shower. I hopped into the shower and felt the warm water melt into my skin, I could feel myself slowly drifting off again. I heard the door slam shut outside of the bathroom. I shut the water off, grabbed a towel and walked out.

I saw Hook standing in the living room by the old plaid couch. He was looking down at his hook quite intently.

I started to walk towards him slowly, careful not to startle him. “Killian? Are you alright?”

He looked up into my eyes but it wasn't the same Killian I had come to know. He seemed darker, more terrifying. He walked towards me slowly, “I’m fine dear. Come here and let me look at you.”

I took a few steps backwards stunned by the man standing in front of me, “No. Don't come any closer.” My voice shook as I spoke.

The moment I said this I saw him make his way towards me even faster, he reached out as I tried to turn and run. He grabbed my arm and yanked, hard. I yelped at the contact.I was so confused. We were so happy, we were together. This wasn't him. This wasn't Hook. Something had happened while he was gone, it must have. His grip on my arm tightened as I struggled. The only way to get through to him is to talk to him. I have to make him understand, I thought. I stopped struggling and looked back into his eyes. With mine pleading for him to release my hand I send my free hand on his chest. He felt cold, dead even. I was shocked by this and when I thought about it I realised what was happening. He had no heart. It was gone. But how? I thought about it some more and only one thing came to mind. Well person I guess, Cora. I gasped as the realization hit my in the face.

Hooks expression changed when I touched him. He lifted his left arm containing his hook and slapped it across my face. I screamed and jumped back reaching up for my face as pain shot through it. I could feel the tears start to sting my eyes and I tried to pull away but his grip tightened even more.

“Hook please!” I pleaded the tears now falling down my face, “Please listen to me. This isnt you! It’s my mother! Please, Killian.”. His grip loosened and his face softened. I took a deep breath because I thought I had got through to him. But just like Daniel he turned back into a monster. He slapped me hard again in the face and this time I fell to the floor. My towel flew off of me and a gust of cold wind ran down my spine. My head was spinning and I tried to stand but I felt a large boot on my back. He kicked me down until my entire body was on the floor. Then he kicked me and rolled me onto my back, and he set his boot into my throat. Fighting for air I screamed and cried. His boot pushed harder the louder I got.

I heard the door slam open again and heard someone speak, “Thats enough. Leave her be.”

Hook obeyed and lifted his foot off of me. The air filled my lungs and I felt a sweet release fill my body. My eyes had tears all down my face. I looked towards the door to see who was there. I shouldn't have been surprised by who I saw but I was. It was Cora.

She smiled sickly again and spoke, “Dear dear Regina. We must stop meeting like this dear. Its getting old.”. She lifted her left finger and my body instantly rose, but my legs couldn't hold me up. If it wasn't for my mother I would be on the floor again. Cora walked towards me slowly as her dress dragged on the wooden floor boards. She reached out and handed me my towel, I took it and wrapped it around my body.

“Regina you disappoint me. Running away with a pirate.” She made a tsk noise with her tongue. I watched her as she reached into the pouch on her side and pulled a powder out. I recognised it as the powder Hook had used. She lifted her hand and blew the powder directly into my face. As I inhaled I felt myself drift into a blissful sleep.

I awoke a few hours later groggy as ever. I looked around and saw that I was in my cell again, clothed. Hands and feet chained this time. I leaned my head against the wall and closed my eyes. I thought about what had just happened. My mother took Hooks heart, she made him attack me. My eyes started to tear up again as I thought about it. I was suddently snapped back to reality when I heard someone in the room clear their throat.

It was my mother, “Regina dear. Feeling better?” She asked sarcastically.

“Never better mother.” I said back just as sarcastic.

She smiled at me, and it sickened me. “Why did you run dear?”

“I ran because you were going to kill me.” I said with disgust.

Cora laughed. “You thought I was going to kill you? Oh sweetheart no. I was going to take your heart.”

I felt breathless when I heard her speak those words. She was going to take my heart?

“What kind of mother does that!” I yelled now angry.

“I am going to do it because it’s the only way to get through to you Regina.”

I shook my head in disbelief, “You think you're still going to do it? You are crazy mother.”

Cora looked insulted as I said this. But then her expression changed, she was scanning the room as if she was looking for something.

“What? What are you looking for?” I asked curiously.

“Who else is in here Regina?”

A puzzled look crossed my face. “I’ve been out cold mother how would I know.”

Cora’s gaze was intense. She truly wanted to know what was in the room. Her gaze turned to me as she looked down past my head towards my abdomen. I heard her gasp when she realized the presence she sensed.

She pointed at me and I looked down towards my stomach. My eyes grew wide as I realized what she sensed as well. I looked into my mothers eyes and was terrified by what I saw.

Her smile turned sick again, “You. You’re with child.”

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