Chapter 17

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So my brother helped me with the plot of this chapter. So lets give a round of applause to him *claps hands*! Anyways enjoy and comment what you think!! Oh and there are some Rumbelle feels here too!!

Regina’s POV

I couldn't breathe. Gold had my daughter. And I had no idea why he would do this. I know he hated me and that he hated Killian but why take my child. It didn't make any sense. I thought long and hard about this. 

“Regina?” Killian was looking at me with tears in his eyes.

“We have to find her Killian. We just have to.” I lifted the covers off of my legs and stood up in the bed. I lifted my arms and conjured some magic into my fingers. I looked down at what was once my hospital gown to see a black pencil skirt and a blue silk shirt with my black knee high boots. I smiled, it was nice to be back in my own clothes. 

“Regina what are you going to do?” Killian asked me looking confused as to why I was up and moving after I just gave birth.

 I looked him in the eyes and gathered the old Mayor within me, “I am getting our daughter back. One way or another.” I fluffed my hair and walked out of the room with Killian right on my heels.

He grabbed my arm and twirled me around, “Regina you can't. You're to weak.”

“I am NOT weak.” I said feeling hurt by his remark, “I will protect my family. Til the death.”

He looked me square in the face, I could feel his breath on me. His hands were now my arms. His facial expressions kept changing. I couldn't tell what he was going to do. Next thing I knew he was pinning me up against the wall, the tension between us thick. He waited a few seconds before he placed his lips against mine in a passionate embrace. He released my arms and ran his hands through my short raven hair. I lifted my hands up and linked my fingers around his neck. Kissing him felt right. But this kiss, it felt rushed. I felt like this was a goodbye kiss. We broke apart and gasped for air.

“Was that a goodbye kiss?” I asked sadly.

He looked at me and smiled, “No. That was a ‘I know you’ll win and I’ll see you when you get back’ kiss.”

“You're the best. That's why I love you.”

“I know. Now, you go get our daughter and I will stay here with our son.”

I nodded in acceptance, turned and left to go get my daughter. “Gold, you better not have hurt my daughter or there's not a place on this earth you can hide.”

Rumple’s POV:

I looked down at the crying baby before me. Children were precious, its a shame Regina will never see this one again. I placed the baby in the bassinet that layed next to me. The child was quite adorable, too bad it had to die. The child looked up at me with her crystal blue eyes. I felt a pang of guilt in my chest for what I was about to do. But this was necessary, the curse had to be broken. I looked at the orange town line before me. Bae I’m coming for you. I promise. This curse would break, if it was the last thing I did.

Regina’s POV:

I bursted into Gold’s shop scanning the area surrounding me for a surprise attack. But he wasn't there. I ran to the back of the shop to see if I could find any clue as to where he was. “Damnit Gold where are you?” I rummaged through tons of papers, until I found one that sparked my interest. It was a curse. I was confused. What did Rumple need with a curse? I read through it more and realized why he took my child. Panic surged through me. I ran out the door and to the one place I knew he would be. The town line.

I arrived at the town line breathless. I saw Gold standing there with my child next to him. He looked like he was mixing a potion. I walked up behind him faster. “Gold!” I yelled.

He turned around and looked shocked when he saw me, “Your majesty. For what do I owe this pleasure?”

The level of anger within me began to rise, “My daughter. Give her to me. Now!” 

Gold smirked, “Sorry dearie, can't do that. I need this child to break the curse.”

My face turned into a scowl, “I swear to god if you do not give me my daughter right now, I will kill you.”

“Hmm will you really? It seems to me dearie that you're weak. Birth can do that to ya.”

I felt the Evil Queen start to come out again, “I may be weak but I can still kill you. Or at least something you love.” I smiled sickly and conjured some magic into my hands, a wave of purple smoke appeared and when it was gone there was a person standing in its place. Belle. 

Gold seemed stunned, “Belle?”

The girls lip quivered, “Rrr-rumple?”

Belle started to run towards Gold but I set a spell on her to keep her in place, “Ah ah ah, not so fast.” I squeezed my fist and I saw the girls eyes bulge. I was taking the breath away from her.

Gold’s eyes got bigger as he watched, “You stop this now Regina!”

I looked at him with fury in my eyes, “Not until you give me my daughter back!”

Gold looked conflicted, “I need the child. It’s the product of true love. You and Mr. Hook. You are solemates, Just like you're precious Snow and Charming. The child is the key to breaking the curse of the town line. I need it broken to get to my son. I need it to get to Bae.” 

I felt bad for the man. All he wanted was his son, but all I want it my daughter. And I always get what I want. “There has to be another way Gold. My daughter, she is innocent.”

Gold looked down at the child, “I know she is.” He looked back at me with a sick smile, “Too bad I don't give a damn.” And with that Gold lifted his hand and a ball of magic showed. I panicked releasing Belle’s spell conjuring a ball of fire. I launched it at Gold screaming. Everything that happened next was in a blur. I saw a body fly off to the side. It was Belle. I had hit Belle. I missed Gold. I watched as he set his hand down and ran towards the wounded woman. Once Gold was far enough away I ran over to where the baby was. I picked her up and cuddled her against my chest, “It’s alright Jasmine. Mommy’s here. No one will ever hurt you again. Ever.”

Gold’s POV:

I ran to Belle’s side. Regina had hit her with one of her fire balls. I cradled her in my arms as I wept over her body, she was barely still alive. “Belle, please don't leave me. If you're gone, there is no good left in me. I can't lose you again.” Her eyes fluttered open, “Rumple,” She set her hand on my face, “I love you.” I wept harder and I leaned down and kissed her for the last time. But something different happened. I felt a rush of wind blow past me. I looked up to see Belle smiling, “Rumple you did it.” She sat up and hugged me. The curse had broken. It was true love. I hugged Belle checking my surroundings. The town line had disappeared and Regina was gone.

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