Chapter 8

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Hook’s POV

I tried to think hard at what Regina had told me. She said to go to the Storybrooke graveyard, locate her fathers grave and dig. I still didn't really know what I was looking for. The shovel went hard into the cold dark dirt. I lifted the shovel again and dumped some of the dirt off to the side. I was about 6 feet in when the shovel hit something hard. I threw the shovel aside and got onto my knees and dug with my hands. I felt the cool coffin beneath my hand. I lifted open the side to see an empty coffin, no body, only a small hand carved box. I lifted it up and opened the box, there was a soft pink glowing heart sitting inside. I smiled at the sight and lifted it in my hand. “I’ve got you now.”

Regina’s POV

My mother walked slowly into the room, her strides confident. She looked at me and nodded in acceptance as I leaned my head against the wall in defeat.

“So mother, you won. You broke me. Now what?

Her smile turned into a sneer, “I’m going to do what I always planned to do. Take your heart, and your child.”

 The air from my lungs left me and she spoke and I drifted back to a memory.

I watched as my mother pulled Daniel aside to speak with him in the stabled. A smile crossed my face.

My mother spoke, “If you want to have a life together, a family. Then there's one important lesson I can import on you, its what it means to be a parent. You always have to do whats best for your children.”

Daniel nodded his head along with her words, “Thank you. I understand, because that's what you're doing now.”

My mothers gaze drifted away from Daniel for a moment, “Yes, it is.” And as she spoke she plunged her hand into Daniel's chest and tore his heart out. Horror crossed my face as I watched this.

“MOTHER!” I yelled terrified. “NOOO!”

I ran towards Daniel and layed next to him holding his body in my hands. Tears escaped from my face. I looked up at my mother to see the dust that was once Daniels heart fall from her hand.

“Mother why have you done this!?”

“Because this is your happy ending.”

“What!?” I said hysterically.

I leaned down and kissed Daniels face as my mother spoke again, “You have to trust me Regina. I know best. Love is weakness Regina. It feels real now and at the start it always does but its an illusion, it fades. But then you're left with nothing but power, true power endures and then you don't have to rely on anyone to get what you want. I’ve saved you my love.”

I looked into her eyes with pure hatred, “You’ve ruined everything! I loved him! And now my child will be fatherless!”

Cora’s expression changed when I said this, she was shocked, “You’re pregnant?”

I was terrified the moment I said it, she knew now and nothing would stop her from taking EVERYTHING away from me. I placed a hand protectively over my stomach, “Yes I am. It’s Daniels. And now hes gone! And its all your fault! Gracie will grow up without a father and its all your fault! You can NEVER fix this mother, never!” I yelled.

Cora stood up straight and walked towards me, the next words she spoke have haunted me for the rest of my life, “Then we’ll just have to make sure that it doesn't live to see that tragedy.”

“Mother you can't do this. Not again.” I said the fear beginning to rise within me.

“Regina dear, you should know by now that I can do very well what I please.”

I shook my head, “You will not take my child. Not again. I will not lose another Gracie.”

“Yes you will. Because I am your mother. And I know best” and with that she walked towards me her footsteps picking up. I struggled up against the wall but I knew I couldn't get away. She reached her hand out towards me and I closed my eyes not wanting to watch what happens next. But I never felt anything, no touch at all. I opened my eyes to see my mother kneeling over, out of breath.

“Mother?” I asked.

“My- my heart.” Was all she said before she collapsed on the floor.

I sat there in awe. My mother was dead, she was gone and we were safe. Killian ran through the door 20 minutes later out of breath. He looked towards me and then at Cora. I got up from where I was sitting and ran towards him squeezing the life out of him. I never wanted to let him go. His hand caressed the back of my head and he kissed the side of my cheek. We stood back and looked into each other eyes.

“Are you alright? Did she hurt you?”

I kissed him before I could answer, “Did you know your timing is impeccable?” I smiled.

He laughed and we hugged again, “So now what?” He asked.

“Now, we go home.” He grabbed my hand and led me out of the cell. We made our way to the town with me, Killian, and our child.

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