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Alexis was busier than she had been in weeks. 

Everyone was bustling around the office floor, hurriedly answering phone calls and signing off papers. Bruce Wayne was negotiating a merger with a large Scottish company that he'd been conversing with for some time. 

The owner of Gallic. Inc. was currently in the conference room with Mr Wayne, negotiating over a glass of wine. 

She'd put on a red plaid skirt for the occasion, thinking it to be a fun idea to get in the spirit of things. A call coming through to the office had her scampering over to answer it.

" Hello. Mr Wayne's office, how may I help you?" She answered politely.

" Oh, Miss Mercury! I was hoping to speak to Master Bruce if he is available?" Alfred's voice answered her.

She smiled fondly, taking the phone with her as she quickly walked towards the conference room.

" Anything for you, Alfred," Alexis murmured fondly. 

She'd grown quite fond of the grandfatherly figure and adorable little Richard.

Opening the door to the conference room she was startled by the tense air the office occupants radiated. Allistair Mackintosh, a forty year old, red haired, man was calmly sipping his wine as he scrutinized a sheath of papers before him, while Bruce Wayne looked on in barely disguised impatience.

" I'm sorry to interrupt, sirs, but there's a phone call for Mr Wayne," She stated in a quiet voice, just poking her head around the door, her curly, dark brown hair  fanning around her.

Bruce looked incredibly relieved with her arrival, whilst Allistair didn't even raise his eyes from the papers.

" I apologize, Allistair, but I must take this call," Bruce apologised, sounding not one bit sincere.

At that the man looked up, a frustrated look on his aging face.

" This is quite improper,  Bruce, we must reach an agreement about this merger," Allistair grumbled, his accent impossibly thick.

" We shall continue our negotiations in a few minutes. If Alexis is not busy, she could stay with you while I am away for a moment, she knows my policies," Bruce offered, shooting an apologetic glance to Alexis, who was suddenly looking nervous.

" I suppose she shall suffice," Allistrair growsed, eyeing her with disdain.

As Bruce came to take the phone from her she cast him a glance that clearly said, Seriously, why me?

He shot her an apologetic glance and she made her way in to the room, rearranging a few stray items on the table as Allistair watched her critically, making her want to phase through the floor with nervousness.

" If I may say, young lady, you look too young to be working at such a high position," Allistair stated in a critical tone.

She met his eyes with a blinding smile, it was her fallback when awkward to smile at everyone.

" Sir, I believe you are the only person who's been brave enough to say that to me straight around here. And you're probably right, I am too young for this job," Alexis answered casually, still beaming brightly.

He gazed at her steadily, a spark of interest in his eyes now as h found her to be giving an honest answer.

" And yet he trusts you with negotiating policies, a task that is much beyond your years," he replied, looking slightly amused.

With a small laugh she continued straightening papers.

" Well most of the time I'm an overpaid babysitter and paper filer," She chuckled brightly, eyes sparkling with the truth of her statement, though she didn't mind her job one bit and she was smarter than he gave her credit.

" I'm surprised. You are much happier than most of the employees I have seen so far. How does one remain so positive in a deary place like Gotham?" Allistair inquired, putting down his papers for a chance at conversation.

She looked up in surprise at his words, having prepared for more scrutiny but not receiving any of the sort, shuffling nervously on the spot she hoped she wouldn't be reprimanded for the remark she was about to make.

" With all due respect sir, I believe for one to be truly happy they must be positive regardless of where they find themselves, whether it be Scotland or America, regardless of whether they may find themselves in a party or some absolutely boring merger meeting," Alexis answered honestly, a grin still on her tanned face.

  Alliastair stared at her blankly for a moment, and she feared he would take offense, but in moments he was letting out a bellow of laughter so loud it almost shook the room, startling poor Alexis.

" I-I like y-you, you are h-honest," Allistair laughed, trying to control himself once again.

" It's what I'm paid for," Alexis replied with a conspirital wink, causing Allistair to start laughing anew.

That was how a startled Bruce found them, Alexis leaning casually on the desk as Allistair thundered with laughter, at risk of falling out of his chair from the force of it.

He stood in the doorway, blinking at them surprise,totally confused as to what had happened here while he'd been gone.

" I must apologize Allistair.  May we come to a decision at the ball tonight? My son needs me at school," Bruce commented as he came in, looking quite sheepish.

He had to wait for Allistair to stop laughing before the man could reply, his blue eyes twinkling with humour, and a thoroughly amused Alexis to fetch him a glass of water.

" I will agree to these terms, but only if you agree to mine," Allistair replied calmly, his face red from laughter.

This made relief flood through Bruce and he vowed to agree to whatever the man asked of him.

" Of course," He replied with a relieved smile.

" My first term, you must have the agreement signed by midday tomorrow no matter the decision," Allistair began.

Bruce nodded easily, the decision wasn't hard!

" My second term. You must make sure that young Alexis here attends the ball with you, and that I shall have the pleasure of the first dance with her," Allistair finished, smiling contentledly at his choice of terms.

Alexis blinked in surprise, pointing a finger to herself as if in surprise.

"  With all due respect sir, I am not exactly a cultured girl, I know not of how to act at a high society ball!" Alexis quickly gushed, nervousness making her left eye twitch slightly.

" Nonsense Alexis. Act as your usual self and you will be fine. Allistair, you will see us at the ball tonight, seven o'clock sharp," Bruce calmly assured, ignoring Alexis's desperate look towards him.

He vowed to assure her as well once they got out of here, but for now he had to get Richard.

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