The Bachelors

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Alexis was shoved out in to the living room of her apartment by her mother, an embarrassingly bright white dress now was in place of her work outfit. Her mother had chosen her wardrobe of the night, and she hated it, it was too.........bright!

" Go talk to them," Her mother hissed in her ear, shoving her towards the five men all seated in her living room, chatting to her brothers.

When she came in, the chatter died down slightly, and her brothers smirked at her attire, not used to seeing her in anything other than jeans and flannel.

" Ummm hi, I'm Alexis Mercury," She murmured awkwardly, going to shake hands with the five guys looking her over expectantly. " You've obviously my, uh, my family," She added, gesturing to her brothers and sister between hand shakes.

They were five very different men.

She knew the first one, a lawyer by the name of Garry Gates, he was about thirty, with fair hair and pale skin. He could almost ass as albino if he tried, the total opposite of her dark tan.

The second was a cop at the Gotham PD, and that was about all she knew about him, til he introduced himself as Raymond Wilks.

The third was slightly older than the others, and with a small internal wince she recognized him from the labs at Wayne Enterprises, and with his dark hair and oversized glasses he really did look like a scientist, he just needed the white lab coat. His name was Edgar Hardgraves.

The fourth and fifth she had no idea about, except that they were roommates from the apartment level above her, and from the looks of things, twins.

This was why she avoided her mother.

She'd left Australia for a chance at college, and until a job in her desired career opened, she was working as a Secretary, the exact opposite of what her future would have been like back home.

Back home she would have been married with children by now, her mother would have seen to it. Now her mother was trying to find her a husband in one week.

The men were talking to her, she hadn't noticed since she'd been zoning out completely. 

The twins were introducing themselves as Paul, and Peter Redmond. The were twins! Just like she'd thought.

" So, what do you do for a job?" Garry asked, grinning at her stupidly.

" I'm Bruce Wayne's secretary, and his son's babysitter. I'm waiting for a museum curating job to become available," Alexis replied, at least trying to cicvil.

" And where in the world did you require that charming accent?" Raymond quizzed, trying to be flirtatious if his cut relook was anything to go by.

" I'm Australian, well, my whole family is," She murmured with no seduction back at him.

She was saved further questions by the knocking of the door. 

With a small jump of relief she went to go answer it, glad that she could move away from the men

Opening it up she was met by someone she thought she'd never see again. And judging by his expression he hadn't expected her either.

" Ballroom chick?" He asked in surprise, smirking slightly at the hilarity of the situation.

Alexis wasn't seeing the humor. It was the guy who'd been boggling her before the ball from his car, if she remembered correctly he had said he was called Jason.

He had black hair with one white streak, a leather jacket and ACDC shirt, with ripped jeans and boots. With a small inward sigh she realized that he actually did look handsome, and he had her style. Still, what was he doing here?!

" You again?! Jason, right? What are you doing here?" She replied, raising an eyebrow at him, and scowling slightly.

He snickered, his laughter deep and infectious.

" According to your mother, I just had to meet her little Alexis. Didn't think that'd be you, ballroom chick," He chuckled, making her scowl deeper at him.

This was not funny.

" Hahaha, very funny, now the creepy car guy has my name and address," She grumbled, crossing her arms.

He laughed even harder, making her slap him on the amor in annoyance, which made him settle for grinning cheekily at her.

" I even got your number from her, so, can the creep car guy come inside?" He snickered.

With an audible sigh and a roll of her eyes she shoved him in, locking the door behind them.

" Whatever, go sit with the rest of the dorks my mum invited from goodness knows where," She groused, gesturing to where her ten brothers, one sister, and five suitors were stationed, watching the newcomer with interest. 

He paled slightly at the sight of so many people in such a small space.

" What, you afraid of large crowds?" She asked sarcastically.

" No! It's just a bit overwhelming, didn't know I'd have competition tonight," he replied, still looking a bit wary.

She didn't blame him, she felt the same way. Her ten brothers, and her father especially, were giants in the height department, with huge muscles from constant farm labor and deep tans to show for it. 

" Get used to it, it was my family's fault, not mine," She snarked, leading him to a chair and gesturing for him to make himself at home.

She wanted to deport her mother right now. What were the chances of her asking Jason to come? Her mother considered Jason a candidate for her future husband! Ugh, no way.

When dinner was finished, and everyone was incredibly full, her mother made yet another move to inspire romance.

" Oh Alexis, honey, you just must talk to these men privately, find out more about each other," Her mother whispered to her.

" Mother! I just met them an hour ago! I'm not talking to them privately," She hissed in exasperation.

Unfortunately her mother had a second option, and when the night was wrapping up, and the men had to leave, she made her third attempt.

" Gentlemen, Alexis would love to see you again on a single date if you're available," Her mother chimed.

It showed how desperate they were when they actually agreed. They must be seriously desperate to date her after this experience.

" Oh but of course I'm available for you, Alexis," Garry replied almost instantly.

The others quickly nodded agreement, except for Jason, who just gave her a smirk and a thumbs up.

she scowled back.

" Of course we'll go out in order of our arrival here," Paul offered.

Oh no, she knew what was happening. The ones who arrived first, namely, Peter and Paul, were trying to go out first so they could make the best impressions first before the others got a chance. 

Were they actually, becoming competitive, OVER HER? What had her mother done?! Obviously she hadn't told them about the whole eventual marriage, only about the proposal of a date. She hadn't the slightest notion why they'd agreed to come tonight, or why in the world they'd bother fighting over her. She was just a random secretary!

With that they said goodbyes and sauntered out, shooting each other glares as they went, and she held the door open for them, until it was just Jason to leave.

" Nice night that was, ya think I'm in with a chance?" Jason asked with a cheeky grin.

" I doubt it," She said bluntly, before shutting the dapper in his face.

She could hear his laughter clearly as he walked away.

" Til Friday, ballroom chick," She heard him cry between laughs.

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