The Super Secretary

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Eliza just stared at her, not even moving, or blasting green fire anywhere. She just stood and stared, just like Alexis did.

Well, Alexis floated and stared,

" I do not answer to that name anymore," The woman hissed, snapping out of her shock.

Superman didn't seem to care, he swooped in while the villainess was distracted and locked a pair of cuffs over her hands, making it all the harder for her to direct her flames anywhere.

Alexis floated down to land beside them, still shocked to the core.

She was there. She was real. She was a villain?!

" You have not changed, Elementum," she hissed, eyes glowing with madness, and a twisted grin on her face.

She started laughing then, a laugh that was hysterical and fierce, seemingly out of place in her captive situation.

" I see why you worked with the Joker so well," Superman commented dryly when the laughter finally stopped.

Grinning drunkenly, Eliza stared straight in to Elementum's eyes.

" Oh Elly, you know the Americans can't hold me. No one cages me. I am the mighty Inferno!" Eliza cried out, chuckling highly.

Superman grimaced at the clearly crazy display of emotion, keeping a tight hold of Eliza as he helped her up.

" You've battled before?" He demanded to know of Alexis.

" No. However I have met her civilian persona before, a long time ago. She was thought dead," Alexis murmured, making sure she didn't let too much emotion escape. 

Inside she wanted to scream, cry, sing or joy, rage until the light of day. 

This was Eliza! Her sister! She was alive and currently trying to pick the handcuffs.

Her gaze hardened, if she was alive, Eliza clearly hadn't cared to see her.

" If I may be of assistance. The only to get her transported safely would be to do this," Alexis stated calmly.

A ball of water formed in her hand from a nearby drinking fountain and without ceremony she dunked it all over Eliza who started spluttering and gasping in rage, her wild hair settled, her skin dulled from it's tan to what she remembered to be normal, a pale color.

Her powers would be momentarily disabled.

" You may want to hurry," Alexis advised.

Superman didn't question being ordered, he would have been fried with her, and instantly he took off to deposit the villain in whatever prison they were currently using.

Alexis didn't really care.

Now the shock had worn off all she felt was anger. Was her life not unfair enough already?! She had wept and cried for weeks when Eliza had died, exploded, they said. That stupid meteorite had ruined it all. It had been Eliza's curiosity that had led them to touch the darn thing.

She paid for her curiosity in blood and death.

Alexis had been in hospital for a week before they told her, and now they told her that the explosion that had ' killed Eliza and burnt her body to ashes ' had actually given her the very same powers that tore her away.

At least that was how she assumed Eliza had been given her ability.

What was she supposed to do now but keep it to herself? Somehow Eliza knew her hero persona, but obviously hadn't know who she really was under the mask, or else her sister wouldn't have tried to burn her to a crisp!

Before she could punch a wall in anger, she was heralded by the arrival of the bats, and a newly returned Superman, thanks to super speed and all.

Now she felt like she was on trial.

" Is she imprisoned?" Batman asked in monotone.

No surprises there.

" Yes," Superman answered simply, eyes still locked with Alexis.

" You did good work, Elementum, saving the civilians in the burning building," Superman complimented after the silence stretched on.

The bats were stony silent, and after a small nod they left, leaving Batman and Superman to continue staring at her.

" You have swords. Can you use them?" Batman inquired.

After what she'd just experienced, being interrogated seemed like the last thing she needed or wanted.

" Yes," She ground out.

He raised an eyebrow at her obvious displeasure, at least that's what she assumed when his mask twitched slightly.

" Your powers are incredibly strong, are you trained in how to use them well?" Superman asked gently, giving her an appraising glance.

" I have had many years to do so. I must leave, do I have permission to do so?" She asked, barely withholding a sigh.

" Yes. Before you go, I believe using your abilities as a League member would be a great option for you, especially since we could really use your help against people like Inferno," Superman pitched, smiling his winning smile at her.

Inferno! Not Eliza Jane Mercury, not her only beloved sister, not her best friend and only confident. No, just Inferno, a villain with no identity and who had obviously been wiped from their minds without a care, a speck of dust for them. As if she didn't matter.....

And yet it was true. Considering she could kill both heroes right here they stood by sucking the air from their body, or maybe the water, she figured her strong powers of the elements needed some taming in the confines of the League. They were right, of course, that was their job. Her boyfriend worked with the league, and so did his whole family. It would be best for her to do so as well.

Turning she faced them, yellow eyes flashing the the dark within the hood of her dark cloak.

" I will join you, as long as Inferno is treated well. She was a good woman before this," Alexis murmured, before harnessing the wind and floating I to the air, cloak billowing around her as she finally left the awkward meeting, tears finally allowed to stain her mask.

What was she supposed to do when she knew her sister was alive and locked up somewhere?!

Easy, she couldn't do anything. Eliza had tried to kill people, and now it was down to her to forget. She had to push her sister from her mind like she had before. Move on, memories move out. She was a Secretary, a superpower secretary, she had no business with crazy siblings trying to murder people. 

Focus on other things. Like how to convince Butlers not to tell their adoptive grandsons about their super powered secretary girlfriends...

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