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" I-I really need you to keep this secret," Alexis pleaded, eyes brimming with desperate tears.

She'd worked so hard to keep her identity secret and if Alfred told Jason or Bruce, it could be the end of her career. She knew that Jason wouldn't want her to put herself in danger, even if she could take care of herself.

Alfred took her hand, his smile warm an kind even with his worried eyes.

" Miss Alexis, I have worked with Master Bruce and the young masters for many years, I know the value of a secret identity. Your secret is safe with me, although I do caution you, my dear," Alfred replied kindly.

Alexis was so relieved she wanted to cry but instead she just gave the old butler a small hug.

" For you, Alfred, I'll be as cautious as a mouse. I trust you, my friend," She murmured. 

" My powers do cause me to sleep after their use, something to do with energy revival, so in the next few minutes I'll most likely pass out. I thought I'd warn you now so you weren't worried," Alexis added as an afterthought, already feeling the telltale tiredness seeping in.

Alfred stood and fetched her a pillow and blanket.

" Then you will be needing these, my dear," He murmured, draping the blanket over her as only a seasoned grandfather could.

With a warm smile still plastered on her face she felt the world fade away, barely registering the fact that Alfred had hidden her costume back in it's bag for her. 

An hour later, Bruce Wayne and his sons emerged from the Batcave, and filed in to the den. 

" Todd, I believe your lady tried to wait up for your return," Damian announced.

Jason shot him a confused look before his gaze shifted to the sleeping Alexis and he smirked, walking over to stroke her head lovingly.

" Don't let her hear you calling her a lady, she packs a hell of a punch," Jason advised with a small chuckle of laughter.

He was exhausted, but easily picked her up bridal style, and with Alfred helping him with their bags, he lay her down in the backseat with the blanket still securely draped over her.

" Take care of her, master Jason. Women like miss Alexis do not always come around," Alfred advised, before he retreated inside and out of the snowy cold.

Jason waved to him before hopping in the front and driving them off, content to get home so he too could crash.

In the days that followed, it had been incredibly hard to go around work as usual. She poured all her mind in to filing papers, organizing interviews, meeting with important guests, and signing documents, anything to keep Eliza out of her mind.

For the most part it actually worked.

Until they day came when it was time to meet her new teammates. The Justice League or America, or the JLA for short.

Currently she found herself standing in a conference room, one that was packed with countless heroes she'd looked up to all her teens.

At this point she hated to sink through the floor with all their eyes on her. She did however notice that Wonder Woman and Black Canary were shooting her friendly glances, apparently eager for more female members. 

Captain Marvel looked sympathetic, he obviously knew how awkward she was currently feeling, after all, he'd been through the same not that long ago.

" So, kid, what's your name?" Inquired Green Arrow curiously.

She figured he already knew, but it was for the other's benefit.

" Elementum," She answered, trying to curb the traitorous trembling her voice wanted to expose.

" A strong yet interesting choice of name. How did you acquire it?" Wonder Woman asked curiously, her deep skin and beauty stunning her.

" Well considering my power is to control the elements, I thought y name should reflect that. Elementum is also Latin, and I adore history so yeah, that's basically it," Alexis stammered, surprised at an address from such a famous female hero.

" It is admirable to see more women joining our team. Welcome," Black Canary murmured sweetly.

" I thank you for the opportunity, I look forward to fighting alongside you all," Alexis responded calmly, denying the fact that she was incredibly nervous.

This was it, initiation could now begin.

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