More Than a Secretary

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Alexis had never felt so out of place. She'd been introduced to so many people that their face seemed to blur together, and she forgot most of their names. The women acted like total airheads, laughing at things that weren't even funny, talking about the most daft things like the weather. 

What she wouldn't give for her dressing gown and slippers in front of a good book.

" Darling Alexandria, you must meet the commissioner, he's simply enlightening," Allistair drawled, the smell of wine clear on his breath.

With an internal sigh, she followed Allistair, forcing a delighted smile on to her tired lips. She did notice with some semblance of relief, that the commissioner was talking to Bruce Wayne, maybe  Allistair would give his decision now, and then she could go home? 

" Ahhhh, commissioner Gordan, I have brought the woman I told you about," Allistair drawled, obviously having had too much wine.

Alexis winced at his words, disgusted at being called ' the woman ', she had a name! She was above this, she had more self worth than being some showed off prize, but never the less, there was a lot at stake here tonight. It was her job to do this.

" Jim, meet my secretary, Alexandria Mercury, she seems to have succeeded in charming Allistair Mackintosh," Bruce introduced them, allowing her to shake hands with the commissioner.

He stared at her in slight disbelief. 

" The billionaire and the secretary, it sounds hardly believable," Jim chuckled deeply.

Yes, yes it is unbelievable! Because it isn't happening, I have no love for this man, and he clearly only sees me as some negotiation tool. If only the commissioner knew what I feel.

" I have never met a man such as Allistair, this is the finest company I have had in a long time," Alexis twittered, patting Allistair's arm affectionately.

Inside she wanted to shrink through the floor. 

Allistair bellowed with laughter, and she flinched slightly at the unexpected loud noise. Bruce cast her a very thankful look and she could sense the silent plea he was giving. 

Please just continue for a little longer!

If only he wasn't her boss, then she could get out of here now. 

" Indeed, Allistair and I have been negotiating a merger between our companies. It would be a truly great partnership," Bruce began, eager to get an answer out of his fellow business man.

At least the commissioner now looked as bored as she was. 

" Oh Bruce, the answer is yes, consider it a deal!" Allistair assured brightly.

Alexis squeaked in surprise as Allistair spun her around and kissed her deeply on the lips. 

No way, no way, yuck! He's kissing me!!! Oh yuck, yuck, yuck.

She felt as though those were the only things she could think as he kissed her roughly, and she squirmed slightly to get out of his hold, prompting him to break away with a bright and dashing smile.

" Bruce Wayne, you hire good secretaries," Allistair boasted before sauntering off to get another drink.

Alexis glared at Bruce slightly, her eyes showing her utter discomfort.

" Indeed he does," She muttered, her obvious dislike of the situation clear.

At least Bruce had the grace to look apologetic.

Finally, half and hour later, Allistair had stumbled off to go to his hotel, complaining about drinking a little to much. Alexis had never been so happy in her life when she waved him goodbye.

A hand on her shoulder made her turn to face her boss and the commissioner.

" I am in your debt, Alexandria," Bruce murmured, gratitude clear.

" You can thank me by letting me go home early. I- I'm sorry about the way I acted on the phone this afternoon, as well," Alexis answered hopefully, eager to move.

Bruce nodded, and the commissioner waved her goodbye as she instantly took off towards the doors, feeling much too cramped.

It was just her luck that it was raining outside. It poured down around her as she shivered, and kept her arms close, hoping in vain to rub some warmth in them. Could the night get any worse?

Apparently it could, as she rounded the corner and bumped straight in to a small group of men. The force sent her stumbling backwards and she raised her eyes to apologise, only to freeze at the sight of the huge guns in their hands. She didn't know what they were doing here, but it obviously wasn't good.

" I'm sorry gentlemen," She murmured in surprise, trying to walk past as though she hadn't seen the guns.

The last thing she wanted to do tonight was deal with crooks, her powers begged to be used but she held them back, hoping she could get away.

" Hold it right there, Chiquita, you ain't going nowhere," The tallest of the five men growled, his tone conveyed that he was not American by birth.

" Actually, you idiots ain't going nowhere," A new voice chimed in.

Looking up, her eyes widened in surprise when she took in the crouched form of the Red Hood on the building's ledge. He casually had his gun pointed at the men threatening her, and she silently willed him on.

" The Red Hood!" The leader gasped in both shock and anger.

Her and his men lifted their guns and fired wildly at the anti hero, who casually fired back, nailing three of them in one bullet spray. 

The leaders stared at his three downed men, and the only one left with him, he immediately turned to take her hostage and she took him by surprise, slamming her first in to his nose as a perfect punch. 

When he brought his hands up to hold his throbbing nose that gushed blood through his fingers, she grabbed his gun and turned it on him, cocking it back with practiced ease.

She'd grown up on a farm with six brothers, of course she could shoot a gun. 

Not well, but enough to knock a can of the fence, maybe she could get out of here unscathed, without the need to expose her powers to the world.

The leaders stared at her, a girl in a ballgown had his gun and had punched him in a face, this truly was the end of his world.

With a snarl he rushed off, sprinting across the streets as the Red Hood watched with an amused smile behind his mask.

" You know how to shoot that?" Red Hood asked with a chuckle in his tone.

The glared up at him, completely unimpressed.

" Yes," She ground out.

" What kind of high society woman are you? Walking alone at night in a ballgown," Red Hood snickered.

" I'm a secretary," She stated very seriously, before dropping the gun and sauntering off home as the rain poured around them.

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