Crazy Brothers

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It was three days after the explosion at Wayne Industries when she got a call from her boss. With a small look to make sure Jason was in another room of the apartment, she called the wind to bring her the phone. 

With a triumphant smirk she answered the phone. " Hello, this is Alexis Mercury ".

" Good Morning Alexis, how's the leg?" Inquired the voice of Bruce Wayne.

She grinned excitedly, this was the escape she needed! Jason had been babying her for the past three days and she was so tired of sitting around like a damsel in distress! Maybe he was calling to ask her to do something?

" It's fine, a bit sore, but that's to be expected. How's the arm?" She replied, curiosity filling her hopeful tone.

She imagined he was grimacing at the mention of his broken arm.

" It's healing just fine. I called to ask a favor of you," Bruce began.

" ANYTHING!" She cried in to the phone eagerly.

An escape from the couch! Yes! She could do something!

" Well.....since you're so eager, we did make a pact in the rubble that Alfred ad Richard could spend some time with you, and I've got to leave Gotham for the next two days, would you mind recovering at Wayne Manor instead? Jason could come too of course, just to give me a piece pf mind while I'm away," Bruce offered and pleaded all at once.

" I'll be over within the hour," She assured, grinning from ear to ear.

Jason's car slowed smoothly to a stop within the Manor grounds, it's engine rumbling to a stop with a cat-like purr.

Alexis was about to get out when Jason darted to her door and halted her advance.

" No, no, no, you're still on recovery. Let me do the work," Jason pleaded, lifting her gently in to his arms.

Alexis huffed in annoyance, fixing a playful pout on her face.

" You know, if you don't stop carrying me around I'll never get used to my crutches," She reminded him, leaning in to his warmth as they waited for Alfred to open the door.

Jason just rolled his eyes.

" My girl almost died in an explosion, I think it's my rite to be a little overbearing," Jason reminded her in return, clutching her closer to him with a cheeky grin.

Alexis snorted, tempted to roll her eyes as well.

" Jason, I did not almost die, Bruce and I were much better off than most," She shot down.

He didn't other trying to fight her on that, after all, it was entirely true. Her friend Ray, from the technician's floor had to have extensive surgery to fix his shattered pelvis. It was a miracle he'd lived. Marjory, the beautiful old woman who dealt with sending packages, letters, documents and phone calls to the right people and places, had been paralyzed from the waist down by a falling desk.

She'd been incredibly lucky, and so had Bruce.

It rather put a dampener on her mood. Thankfully Alfred took that moment to open the door so she could stop on her morbid train of thought.

" Master Jason, Miss Alexis, how wonderful it is to see you again," Alfred welcomed, a beaming smile lightening up his weathered face.

Alexis gave a small wave from her position in Jason's arms. 

" Hey Alfred! You only saw us a week ago, one would think you haven't seen us for years!" Jason joked, stepping in to the Manor easily.

Alfred just shook his head in mock severity, closing the door behind them with a small thud.

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