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Apparently Jenny was taking too long to fill the bags with money, because the assailants were getting angsty. Their twitching fingers showed just how nervous they were getting, the longer it took, the more chance that a passer by might get the police. 

Alexis was huddled behind Jason in the corner, he was watching the men closely, and as they tried to do a sweep of the room he started inching towards them slowly. 

She inched along behind him until they were almost at the next table to theirs. The gunmen, and her ex dates, started to turn to look at them, so she pulled Jason down to sit at the table closest to her. 

The gunmen blinked at them, obviously trying to figure out if they'd been sitting at that table before. 

She saw a slight flare of recognition go through his eyes, as he recognized her and obviously Jason as well.

It was then that the first sounds of siren filled the air, obviously the police had been notified. 

The two thieves glanced at each other, and in one smooth move they separated, with one of the twins grabbing the almost full bag from a terrified Jenny, and the other marching towards her. 

Jason growled deeply when she was hauled up by the arm and a gun pressed to her head.

" We're taking her as hostage, any police chase us and her brains will be all over the street!" Peter announced furiously, his voice carrying around the store.

Jason moved to stand but the gun was pressed closer to her forehead.

" Don't move or she dies," Peter hissed to Jason lowly.

Jason sat back down slowly, nodding to her captor easily.

Alexis wasn't worried in the slightest, the second she was out of the cafe she could use her powers without every seeing and totally nail these guys, in a way she almost felt sorry for them. However she had to play the ' terrified hostage ' part, and so let a few whimpers past her. This caused Paul to press the gun closer to her head, and Jason to growl something unfit for these pages.

Slowly, Paul backed up and signaled to his twin, causing them both to be moving towards the door, and an escape. She was pulled along, and grimaced at how awkward her steps were.

" You can let her go, I'll be your hostage!" Jason called after them, fury in his green eyes.

She almost felt bad for her captors, judging by Jason's look, he would murder them slowly for taking her. Just like in the movies, the answer was predictable.

" No, she comes with us," Paul snarled lowly.

She was tempted to roll her eyes at this, ugh, could they at least refer to her by a name, and not just ' her' or 'she'.

She made sure to look worried as they made it out the door and were met with the police surrounding the cafe. Apparently they'd been told of the situation. Commissioner Gordon himself was standing at the front of the police barricade, his black handgun drawn and aimed right at Peter.

She saw the commissioner's eyes widen as he recognized her, and a look of anger pass his face when he noticed the gun firmly pressed to her forehead.

" Let the woman go, you're surrounded! There's no way you can get out of here," Gordan growled testily, gun still steadily aimed at Peter.

In the corner of her eye she could see Jason stalking slowly out of the cafe with a frying pan in hand, and almost laughed at his murderous expression.

Okay, now Peter's hand holding her to him was squeezing too tight, she'd definitely be fixing that right away. 

Closing her eyes, she allowed herself to heat up slightly as her power over flames came in to handy. Whenever she was about to shoot flames at people, her skin heated up as a side effect, as long as she didn't actually allow the flames to appear, her hot skin would work just fine.

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