Well, That was Awkward

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It took Jason the whole weekend before he realized that he hadn't told Alexis where they were meeting tonight. When he did realize, it was the middle of the day and he knew that he had to let her know somehow...He had he day off, why not tell her himself. 

Besides, he wanted to see just how much of a secretary she really was, from what he'd seen, she just wasn't the type to sit in an office all day.

So when he pulled up at Wayne Industries, hopping off his motorbike and stowing the helmet securely, he was nearly grinning ear to ear. Of course he felt like an idiot, since when did Red Hood get excited to see a girl?! 

And yet here he was with a small bunch of flowers, ( admittedly he had stole them from Mrs Alda's garden down the hall ), and his customary leather jacket and slicked back hair.

As he passed through the doors, the receptionist instantly recognized him, Christy, he remembered her name being. Since he had died as Robin and then come back as Red Hood soon after, the cover story was that he had moved to England for schooling. Seeing him back was obviously a shock to the young blonde.

" Mr Todd!" She squeaked, big blue eyes wide with surprise.

He flashed her his signature grin.

" Hey Christy, ya mind buzzing the elevator, got some business up on old dad's floor," Jason asked cheekily.

" O-Of c-course," She stammered, pressing the button multiple times as he passed her by.

He rode the elevator, flowers behind his back and tapping his foot idly, not one for enclosed spaces. Besides, the elevator music was annoyingly catchy. As the floor numbers rose and rose he attempted to figure out how he'd find Alexis, maybe he'd just have to walk around til he came across her.

As the doors opened and he stepped out, he realized that it really wasn't hard to find her, that is, if you could see her behind all the paperwork.

She sat at a small desk, colored folders littering it's surface, hurriedly scribbling her signature on papers and then depositing them in to the climbing pile beside her elbow. Unfortunately the pile of papers yet to be signed was still higher than the signed pile.

Her hair that was meant to be in a tight bun was splaying wildly, strands escaping their confines and flinging themselves around her face as he twisted and turned madly to find another pen, apparently the first had run out of ink.

In her white dress with black polka dots she looked more professional than he'd ever seen her. Save for the pair of high heels hidden under the table, as she was currently bare footed.

Her almost laughed at her when she groaned and thumped her head against the desk when she observed the new pile of papers a hurried worker dumped on her desk for her to sign.

Jason walked over, making sure she didn't notice him as he crept up behind her rolling chair. He had to admit, it was easy to walk silently along these office floors. Stopping right behind her he made his move.

" Hi," He said simply.

With a loud squeak of surprise, Alexis jolted in fright, sending a purple colored folder to the floor with a small thud.

She whipped around ready to give her attacker a piece of her mind when she saw who had frightened her.

Jason smirked at her expression of surprise.

" What the heck are you doing here in my lunch break?!" Alexis yelped, standing up to meet him, and brushing the wild hair strands away from her eyes.

He raised an eyebrow skeptically.

" This is your lunch break? You know a break usually means you don't actually work," Jason reminded her, still with a raised eyebrow.

" Yeah, well, considering my day today, this is easy work," Alexis sighed, glancing accusingly at her pile of papers.

Jason pulled the flowers out from behind his back and held them out to her with a shining smile.

" A little something to make your day better," Jason stated simply, as she gaped at the flowers.

Taking them tentatively, she placed them gently on her desk and flung her arms around him in a hug. He embraced her back with a small chuckle.

" You've no idea how much this means to me, even if it was unexpected," Alexis murmured against his chest, her words slightly muffled.

He smirked, and patted her back gently.

" Well, I forgot to tell you where we're going tonight. Figured I'd come and tell you myself since I've the day off," he chuckled deeply.

Alexis probably would've replied, but she was startled by an entirely startled little voice.

" J-Jason?!" 

Instantly Richard Wayne was rushing towards them, his small blue eyes wide with excitement as he flung himself at their hug. Reluctantly, Alexis let go, and let Richard hug the life out of Jason.

" Yeah, that'd be me," Jason sighed, ruffling Richard's hair affectionately.

" Jason, you seem to know my secretary," A calm voice rumbled, stating the obvious due to the hug that had just been observed.

Alexis's cheeks went right pink as she turned to face her boss, Bruce Wayne, who was openly staring at Jason, confusion written on his features.

" Y-Yes, Mr Wayne, Jason is my uh, my boyfriend," Alexis murmured sheepishly.

Bruce Wayne looked positively startled by this answer, and blinked owlishly for a moment before his features schooled professionally.

" Yes well, carry on then," He murmured, before turning on the spot and retreating to his office, a grinning Richard trailing behind him with a skip in his little step.

Alexis glanced at a smirking Jason, her expression still nervous.

" What does he mean, carry on?" Alexis asked nervously.

" He means that he gives you permission to come to the movies with me tonight at six," Jason translated, his cheeky grin back.

She sighed and slapped him lightly on the shoulder.

" What will I ever do with you Jason Todd?" She sighed sarcastically.

He winked at her as he strode past.

" You'll have to decide that yourself," He drawled innocently, laughing as the closing elevator doors cut off her exasperated look.

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