Heroes Meet

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As Alexis soared over Gotham she couldn't help but want to scream like a fangirl.

Oh how well their date had gone, she'd met him at the movies and they'd seen the newest Star Wars while eating popcorn. While the movie had been good, she hadn't been able to think past how good it had been to sit next to Jason with his annoyingly cute smirk and customary leather jacket.

Ugh, she was being ridiculous, this was supposed to be her first night on duty.

Yes duty.

She'd managed to bring her suit with her from Australia, not that she'd taken a plane in the first place, why put her trust in planes when she could just fly there herself.

Well, fly probably wasn't the best word for it, rise the wind was more accurate. She wasn't gifted with flight, but being able to control the winds meant that she could ride them with ease, and direct them where she wanted to go. The thing was, her powers and her ownership of an awesome suit, meant that she felt the need to get out and use them.

This may be Batman's territory, but she was hoping to maybe meet him and strike up a deal? Maybe she could look after one tiny Gotham section? But then she had heard that he rarely patrolled the South side, leaving that to the Red Hood was rumored to be his son and past Robin.

She had gotten in to her black leather suit, with it's silver belt, and donned her midnight blue cloak and black domino mask. However, what she hadn't expected was to chicken out halfway to go and find the bat. 

She'd been so darn nervous, and losing her cool, almost causing an inferno to start in an office building in the process, she'd decided to go check out Red Hood's territory instead.

That was half an hour ago.

Now she was riding the winds above a group of squad cars which were chasing an absolutely huge truck, which she assumed by the chase, was housing quite the dangerous criminals. With a happy smirk she flew ahead of the truck and landed calmly on the road right in it's path, her cloak billowing in the wind and shining ominously  in the street lamps.

The truck barreled towards her, the driver's and passenger's faces alighting with surprise at her sudden arrival, and calmly she held a hand out in front of her, controlling the water form a nearby fire hydrant to coat the road, making the truck have to slow down or jackknife.

With a snap of her fingers the air in front of the truck became so dense that hitting it was like hitting a brick wall, crumpling the truck hood and causing it to stop with a screeching of breaks.

The police gaped at her as she causally floated over to the front windshield and waved comically at the shocked criminals, before punching through the windshield and hauling them on to the road for the cops to pick up.

One timid cop stood forward, and she almost laughed at the guns trained on her.

" You a hero or a villain?" He asked timidly.

She was in front of him in a gust of cold air, calmly staring down at hi from her slightly taller height.

" Honey, I'm a the new girl to this joint. If I was a villain, I would have killed you all by now," She stated causally before turning to leave the scene.

" What do they call you? You aint no Bat!" The cop called after her.

" Honey, I'm Elementum, remember the name," She chuckled before she shot up in to the sky, laughing excitedly.

It had been simple, so simple, but then it usually was for her considering her ancient powers.

She was the last of her race, the ancient race that had been the strongest warriors on earth in their day. Too bad they were gone, it was only their king that had saved her life and made her who she was before he died.

Sure it sounded cliche, and sure she was massively overpowered compared to others, but hey, it was her life, and who was she to complain considering she could make a difference in this dreary city! Wasn't that what the king had told her to do?

She only hoped the Australians back home wouldn't notice that their superhero had started working out in America.....

Deciding to rest for a moment she alighted down in to the closest alleyway. The one downside of her powers, they made her so very tired after use. Besides, it was dark alley, but she could beat the hell out of anyone who messed with her and not have to worry about compromising her identity.

She was emerged in her thoughts when she sound of a gun made her want to sigh out loud. She knew that gun, she recognized the silent approach as well. He'd met her in an alley before.

" You know, a gun won't really scare me," She sighed, not bothering to turn and face the man in the red hood who was undoubtedly standing behind her with a gun to her head.

" I don't know, it tends to work pretty well on others. So, care to tell me why you just stopped a robbery in my part of the city, and who the hell you are?" Red Hood growled.

She really did sigh this time.

" Well, you weren't exactly going to stop them at the time, I was around, figured I'd do something. As for who I am, I think you already know that,"  She replied casually, using the deeper voice she often adopted, cancelling out her accent for good measure. 

He snorted, pointing the gun down just an inch.

" Old Batsy said you were around, he was watching you ever since you started your patrol. He researched you, said you called yourself Elementum back in the land down under," Red Hood noted.

She snorted with laughter.

" That's kind of creepy, but I guess he has to have some sort of hobby. Anyways, if you know who I am then why are you pointing gun to my head, I'm on your side, Honey," She snarked back, growing impatient with the banter.

She could have him on the ground dead in a moment.

" Figured I'd deliver batsy's message personally. He says to meet him on the GCPD roof in two nights time," Red Hood muttered, before holstering his gun and walking past her.

" And here I thought he'd come an tell me himself," She murmured with a smirk and a shake of her head.

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