The Heist

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It was the end of the week at Wayne Enterprises, naturally, the whole office was in a frenzy to finish up all their work. Everyone except for Alexis.

She was not looking forward to tonight, not after five dates that all ended in misery for her. Five of the most boring people in Gotham had been meeting her in the exact same cafe every night, and every night she'd had to report in detail to her mother. 

She was through with dating, and tonight was the nights he'd been dreading.

It was her date with Jason, and naturally everyone wanted to know about it. All day she'd had people asking her for gossip about all her horrid dates. For one in her life she was popular, and she absolutely hated it.

Finally, only one thing was left to do, leave a sheath of papers with Mr Wayne, and then she was off home to change.

To hell with wearing a dress tonight. She was going casual, whether Jason cared or not.

As she entered the office, she noticed Mr Wayne was looking just as drained as she was.

" Tough day?" She inquired lightly, trying to be optimistic.

He looked up at her, rubbing his temples slightly.

" Indeed. It seems everyone needs my attention and assistance today," Bruce murmured, with a sigh.

" Well, it's the weekend now, so you get a bit of respite. Anything planned?" Alexis asked conversationally, placing her papers in color coded folders.

Bruce stood up, stretching with a relieved sigh.

" Richard wants to go camping in the backyard with his friend. Looks like I'll be chaperoning, you have any plans?" Bruce murmured, smiling at the colored folders being placed in his briefcase.

Alexis winced at his question, scrubbing a hand through her hair.

" Unfortunately yes. There's this absolute jerk of a guy that my mum wants me to go out with tonight," Alexis muttered, obviously displeased.

Bruce chuckled lowly, taking in her awkward stance, and dislike.

" Why do you listen to your mother about this dating nonsense?" Bruce asked curiously, the amusement still on his face.

" I don't really know, I guess it's because she's my mother, and she's very hard to refuse," Alexis replied lamely, not entirely sure why she was listening.

If the date didn't go well tonight, then she'd say something, and undoubtedly the date would be terrible.

It was useless putting it off however, because it was time for her to go.

Alexis hated the fact that she was late, only ten minutes late, but late none the less. It would just give Jason something to annoy her about. 

Stepping off her black motorbike, leaving the helmet in it's compartment, she trudged wearily through the cafe doors. Her friend, Jenny, who was always ta the register, and teased her mercilessly about her dates, hurried over to her when she walked in.

" Your latest mystery man's here," Jenny giggled.

" Is he now? Oh, and where would he happen to be?" Alexis drawled.

Jenny giggled again and pointed to the back of the cafe, past all the other diners, to where Jason was seated in a back booth, grinning at her cheekily. He wore yet another leather jacket tonight, with a red shirt and dark jeans, his boots were slightly scuffed, but were, annoyingly, identical to her own.

She stared down at her own black leather jacket, red shirt and dark jeans, hating how they  matched. It looked like they'd planned this!

" Go on, and be nice to him, Alexis, he's cute!" Jenny squeaked, shoving her in his direction.

She walked purposely over to his chosen table and slipped in opposite him, ignoring how his cheeky grin was still plastered on his, sadly, handsome face.

" Well don't we make quite the couple, ballroom chick," He greeted jauntily.

She scowled slightly at him.

" I have a name, or have you forgotten already?" She replied sarcastically.

He only grinned wider.

" Of course I remember, ballroom chick is just more fun," He snickered annoyingly.

She sighed in annoyance, glaring at him with her light brown eyes.

" You don't pride yourself on flattery, do you?" She asked dryly.

With a deep and infectious laugh that sent his eyes twinkling in the cutest way, he reacted to her statement.

" Na, years of having to deal with old Brucie's crud has put me off flattery for life," Jason chuckled as his laughter died down.

she raised an eyebrow at that one.

" Old Brucie?" She asked with a small smirk.

At that he started laughing again. " Oh-oh gosh, you don't know, do you?" Jason bit out between his laughs.

Her blank look answered that for him.

" Bruce Wayne is my adopted dad," Jason filled in.

Alexis almost spit out her table water mid drink, her eyes blown wide.

" No, no way. My boss is your dad!" Alexis yelped, eyes blown wide in absolute surprise.

At that he paused, until his eyes filled with recognition.

" Y-you're that new secretary the Grayson kid keeps trying ta talk to me about. Oh man, I had no idea you work for old Brucie," Jason chuckled.

What were the odds?! Oh no, imagine what the office would say! She was dating the boss's kid! And wow, did looks not run in the family, Jason was nothing like Bruce Wayne!

She was saved further comment when a loud voice interrupted the cafe's low hubbub. She turned in her seat to spot two men walk in, their hands holding guns, and a white potato sack over the second's shoulder. Black ski masks his their faces from the security cameras.

" Everyone shut it! You, waitress, empty the till!" The first, and obvious leader barked out.

She had the odd feeling the she recognized his voice, but she couldn't place it as she was roughly grabbed by the arm and pulled in to the corner by Jason. 

She shot him a glare at the way he placed himself in front of her like she was some damsel in distress, but didn't voice her complaint due to the tense situation. 

The rest of the diners were cowering in fear, one of the young children with their mother, was crying softly.

" Hurry up, girl!" The other thief yelled sharply to Jenny, who was fumbling with the cash she was filling the bags with, her nervousness making her clumsy.

There! With a sinking feeling she recognized the voice as being identical to the first. And oh could she not believe it. Her life was now officially insane.

The voices were undoubtedly, the voices of twins Peter, and Paul, her dates from the last two nights, she hadn't yet forgotten their voices. 

Elbowing Jason sharply, and waiting for him to indignantly glare at her, she mouthed her suspicions to him. His eyes lit up sharply when she mouthed the words, also remembering their unique voices.

Maybe this heist could be solved without bloodshed, but if it wasn't, then at least they both knew the men's identities.

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