The Ball

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Bruce had expected the call, and as he and Richard drove home from Gotham Academy, and when the I.D registered on his car's phone he quickly answered it, a curious Richard perking up beside him.

" Bruce Wayne speaking," Bruce answered with an amused smile.

" Mr Wayne I apologise for anything I say in this conversation, but do you know what you've done?!" Alexis snarled over the phone.

Richard and Bruce both sniggered quietly together.

" Are you laughing?! Guys can just shower and chuck on a suit! I looked it up online and girls have to wear makeup! Bruce, I don't like makeup, I can't do makeup, I don't even own lipstick! I had to borrow some from my neighbor and she's ninety! Geez, Bruce, I have to dance. I can't dance, and I have to be a proper lady! Do you know how hard that is?! No, you don't, because you're a guy, and you know nothing of a girl's ball experience!!!" Alexis ranted on.

Richard and Bruce were laughing silently the entire time, trying to be quiet so she wouldn't hear them.

" I can feel you laughing. Stop it. Yes Richard, I know you're there laughing to and if I have to go then so do you," Alexis grumbled, making Richard freeze mid laugh. 

" Please, Alexis, I know that I put you in a tough situation but you worked wonders with Allistair in just ten minutes! Please, just do what you usually do and I almost guarantee that he'll agree to the terms in the merger agreement. Please, I'm begging you," Bruce begged, knowing she was his only chance.

There was a moment of silence on the other end before a slightly resigned voice returned.

" Fine. But don't make me do this again please, it's too much stress for anyone to endure on a regular basis," Alexis grumbled in a resigned tone.

When the call disconnected, Richard glanced at Bruce with a confused look on his small face.

" Bruce, why is Alexis so cranky and stressed?" Richard asked curiously.

" She's a woman, chum, they get that way sometimes," Bruce answered evenly, before parking his car at their home.

After decided that riding her motorbike in a ballgown was not going to work, Alexis resigned herself to walking, besides, it was only two blocks away and she could make the walk easily in the sunset light. 

The looks she received as she went by were absolutely priceless.

" Hey beautiful, wanna go somewhere nice?" A young, shady looking man in his car asked, driving slowly alongside her.

" Not in your wildest dreams, mate," She replied, letting her accent run free for a moment.

" Ooooohh damn, chick is fiesty, I like that in a woman," The man chuckled, grinning saucily at her.

" Do I look like that matters to me? Geez, just drive off home to your hovel, idiot," She snarled, her rough, Aussie accent making her sound totally fierce and uncultured despite her glittering gown.

" The name's Jason by the way. Jason Todd, remember the name!" He called after her as she walked past and in to the town hall, where the ball was being held.

Rolling her eyes she walked casually in to the hall, seeing Bruce, Richard and Alfred standing in the lobby, facing away from her in their pristine suits. Apparently they were waiting for her.

" If I knew I was late, I would have walked faster," Alexis chuckled lightly, keeping the reigns on her accent as best she could, determined to be proper for a night.

Bruce, Richard, and Alfred turned to greet her, showing their slicked back hair and perfectly groomed and tailored features. When they saw her, she almost snorted at Richard's gobsmacked expression.

" You look pretty, Miss Mercury," Richard murmured, as if in a daze.

She bent down awkwardly in her tight gown and gave him a hug.

" And you look dashingly handsome, little man," She murmured playfully.

He grinned at her slightly shyly now, and she took the hint, raising back up to her full height.

" You look lovely, Alexis, simply lovely," Bruce greeted appreciatively. 

In her dark blue ballgown which was strapless and cut low to show off her tan, and her neatly curled hair, the barest hint of makeup and a shiny silver necklace, she really did stand out. Mainly because she wan't flouncing jewels or fancy hairdos, and was going plain but beautiful. 

" Why thank you, I just hope that no one notices the shoes," Alexis whispered, lifting the dress hem slightly to show a ratty pair of running shoes, looking as though they'd had centuries of ware. 

Bruce looked at her inquiringly, an eyebrow raised in amusement and a silent question.

" They bring me good luck," She murmured as an explanation.

They only had to wait another ten minutes for Allistair Mackintosh to arrive. 

Well, Alexis waited, Bruce, Alfred and Richard were called inside by an eager commissioner and his daughter, eager to talk to their friends, the men had said their wishes of good luck and left. Honestly she felt awful, all the women in their fancy designer dresses and vast arrays of jewels sauntered past with their men on their arms, whilst she awkwardly waited for hers to come, wincing at how underdressed she felt.

The men thought she looked nice, she just hoped Allistair did, the merger could depend on it!

Then he came, with a seriously expensive dark grey suit, and a shiny silver tie, his red hair combed back to perfection, and a million dollar smile flashing for the cameras. He looked at her and she felt her heart in her throat, she was a farm girl, and he was a billionaire. What was she thinking?! 

He stared for a few seconds and then strode forward swiftly, stopping in front of her to bow.

" My countrymen help me, an American has managed to steal my heart," He whistled appreciatively, making her blush deeply.

" My, my you are a charmer, Mr Mackintosh," Alexis greeted, curtsying deeply. 

He took her arm, leading her to the doors to be announced.

" Call me Allistair, please," He begged, walking closer to her.

" Then you must call me Alexandria," She countered, using her much hated full name for the occasion. 

And with that the doors opened, and a sea of color and babbling conversation reached her. Men and women twittering around the room, champagne in their hands and laughing gaily at each other's witty jokes. It all struck her as fake.

" Introducing Allistair Mackintosh and Alexandria Mercury," The doorman announced loudly.

Many heads snapped up to look at them, recognising the name of a billionaire easily, but not knowing who in the world this girl was!

She swallowed nervously as she walked down the polished steps with the billionaire, trying to put up a brave front. It was incredibly hard, what with the women giving her fierce glares, wanting to be in her place. 

She wished she was anywhere but here too.

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