Chapter 20

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   I sigh, breathing in the crisp air. "Hey, what are you doing up?" Aron asks, sitting beside me on the back porch.

"I'm just thinking about everything" I say, looking over at my brother.

"What, you're a vampire now so you can't talk to your big brother anymore?" Aron smirks, bumping my shoulder with his. I laugh and lean on Aron.

"No, actually. I think boy problems are more up Tanya's alley" I laugh.

"Who better to talk about guys to, then a guy" Aron says.

"You know what, that's actually good logic. I'm just kind of worried about what Alex said earlier. He seemed mad when I said I was going to his school." I say, resting my chin on my hand.

"I wouldn't worry about that. What if there's people or a person there he doesn't want you to be around? You need to be optimistic" Aron says. Sometimes I swear he's older than eighteen, he just seems wiser.

I nod but keep my chin on my hand. "What if he has a girlfriend or something at the school.." I sigh.

"Then I'll kick his ass for leading you on" Aron laughs. I smile and hug my brother. He slings his arm across my shoulders.

"Thanks Aron. You're the best" I smile.

"I know" He smiles, standing up. "I'm going inside. It's fucking freezing out here"

"I hadn't noticed"

"Obviously not. You don't feel the cold. Lucky bitch" he laughs, going inside our house.

The Next Morning

    "We will have to leave for the school as soon as possible" Eric tells me, "I'll give you the day to pack your things, and then we have to leave." He says, before leaving my room.

I roll out of bed, literally, like I land on the floor and everything. I get up and grab one of the many large boxes, resting on my floor. I unplug the charger to my laptop, and neatly place the laptop, then the charger in the box. I grab my USB's, and place all six of them beside my laptop in my box. I next walk over to my bookshelf, and grab two books at a time, until the shelf is clear. I place them all in the box neatly. It's now full, so I grab the packing tape, and seal it shut. Standing to my feet, I walk towards my now bare desk. I open the top drawer, and grab a black sharpie. I kneel beside the box again and label it;


I sigh. "Guess the bedding is next" I say to myself. I grab the largest, rectangular box, that opens on the sides raher than the top. I pull my purple comforter off my bed, and fold it neatly. I place it in the box. Next I grab my fluffy brown blanket, doing the same as before. Folding it and placing it in the box. I grab my black sheet next. Folding it and placing it in the box. I reach across my bed and grab all five of my pillows. I squish them into the box, and tape it shut too. Labeling this one;


I sigh and sit on my now bare mattress. I should really get into shape. No way should pulling bedding off my bed tire me out.


   Before I know it, I've cleared all of my drawers, my closet, and all of my shelves. I sigh and take a seat in my empty room. It's much louder now. My footsteps are almost deafening in the absolute quiet. I give my childhood room a sad smile, before carrying all of my boxes down to the front door. Alex helps me carry the boxes to the car. I come back into the house, and Aron is sitting on the stairs.

"Hi" I say, shutting the door.

"I can't believe you're leaving me" He says, getting up. "With the free room, I'm afraid Tanya will move in!" he laughs.

"Oh please. I'm not going to be here, why would she move in?" I ask.

"Have you seen this face? Question here is, why wouldn't she?"

"You're an idiot" I say, walking into the kitchen.I find Eric sitting at the breakfast bar. "When do we leave?" I ask him.

"Sooner the better" He replies.

"I'll go say goodbye then" I say. I head towards the front door, and Tanya comes flying down the stairs.

"I'm going to miss you so much!" She cries, hugging me. I wrap my arms around her.

"I'll see you soon Tanya it's okay" I smile, my eyes watering. Tears run freely down her cheeks. "It'll be okay" I assure her.

"Okay" She chokes. I hug her, befoe separating, and hugging my mom. Then my brother.

"I'll see you soon kid" My brother says, patting my shoulder.

"I'll see you soon Aron" I smile. He looks to Alex.

"Take good care of her. Vampire or not, I'll kick your ass" He says, completely serious. Alex nods and we turn around and head out the door. Tanya follows us to the car. I get in the back seat, and roll down the window.

"I'll see you soon!" I say to Tanya.

"Okay! Call me!" She yells. I smile, and roll up the window. Eric pulls out of the yard, and tears glide down my cheeks. Tanya is now sobbing while hugging my mum, who is smiling sadly. I wave goodbye and they soon disappear out of my sight.

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