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Today is a good day. Do you want to know why? Today is the day my friend, Jacob Kowalski, is going to march down to the bank and get the loan he needs for his bakery.

He needs it. Hell, he deserves it. He makes the best pastries in New York. I'm even munching on one of them right now.

"You sure your case won't get sticky with all the sweets in there?" I asked, pastry in one hand while my sketch book is in the other.

He chuckled, "Alina, if you want another one all you got to do is ask?"

I gave him an innocent smile, "Can I?" He chuckled again. We went to one of the benches so he could open up his suitcase. I somiled in thanks when he handed me another strudel. "You know, they could just give you the loan if you gave them a pastry to taste." I took a bite. "I would."

"You're going to get a cavity if you keep eating them." He joked.

"But it will be worth it."


There was a crowd of people in front of the bank. I tried not to glare at Mary Lou Barebone. She's rallying up the crowd and began talking about how witches and wizards are real. That they're the most dangerous beings that need to be exposed.

Witches and wizards? Come on, that lady deserves to be in the asylum. You know what, no. She deserves a good beating for the way she treats Credence. Credence was one of my closest friends. Yeah, was. We talked a lot, hung out a lot...we were attached to the hip. I would tend to his wounds Mary Lou would give him. The reasons behind them were ridiculous; he was one minute late, he didn't stand up straight, some of the craziest things I have ever heard. They weren't even crazy, they were harmless and innocent. Like she would beat him for breathing if she could. He was my best friend until he came to my house.

I remember that day well. I was at home waiting for him. He knocked on my door and I saw a little bruise on his cheek. I was about to pull him in, but he said those five words to me. We can't be friends anymore. No explanation whatsoever. He turned around and left. I haven't talked to him since, but I still worry.

I was so lost in thought I didn't pay attention where I was going. I tripped over something and fell to the ground, knocking Jacob's case out of his hand. I felt a hand on my arm as I began apologizing, "I'm sorry." I looked at the man. He had a fringe that almost covered his eye, but he's really cute. "I'm sorry."

"I should be the one apologizing." He said. He had an accent, which I found adorable. "My case."

I shook my head as my cheeks redden. I handed him his suitcase while he gave me back my sketch book. "Thanks."

"I'm sorry."

I feel like we would have gone back and forth apologizing if Jacob didn't grab my arm. "No harm done." He said. We went pass the crowd. "Excuse me."

We were near the stairs and someone handed me a pamphlet. I looked up to see Credence holding the paper towards me. I didn't take it from him, probably about Mary Lou's crazy nonsense, and followed Jacob. If he doesn't want to be friends, then that's fine by me.

The bank was packed. We made it to the front counter and checked-in. Now we had to wait. Jacob kept tapping his fingers on his knee. He stopped again before he started tapping again. I rolled my eyes before turning to a new page in my sketch book. I began making the outline of Jacob before his tapping started to bug me.

I placed my hand on top of his fingers, "That's getting annoying. I get your nervous, but don't be. You're going to get your loan and open up your bakery. If Mr. Bingley's even stupid enough to decline you, then I will go to his house and punch him in the nose."

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