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We heard the knock a few more times. Newt gave us a worried glance before he opened this case. Jacob and I decided to climb up after him. We popped up behind Newt and my eyes widen as the sight. We were in a room full of wizards. Given by each appearance, I guess they're wizards from around the world. They started whispering. Tina gave me an apologetic look, but I ignored her as I circled around the room.

"Scamander?" I heard one of the guest. 

Newt gave him a shy smile. "Hello, Minister."

"Theseus Scamander? The war hero?" Another guest questioned.

The man across from him shook his head. "No, this is his little brother." His gaze never left Newt's. "And what are you doing in New York?"

"I came to buy an Appaloosa Puffskein, sir," Newt lied.

The guy didn't believe him. "Right. What are you really doing here?"

The woman furrowed her eyebrows when she finally noticed Jacob and me. "Goldstein, and who is this?" She asked. I guess she's the main boss because Tina was starting to shake. I have never seen her like this.

"This is Jacob Kowalski and Alina Nikolai, Madam President," Tina said. "They're No-Majs. Mr. Kowalski was bitten by one of Mr. Scamander's creatures." Oh, shit. The room erupted into whispers.


"Obliviate them." Newt grabbed my hand and pulled me behind him.

He looked around the room. "Merlin's beard," He whispered.

I followed his gaze and my eyes widen. In the middle of the room stood - well, more like floated - Senator Shaw's body. His skin was grayish, he had these dark veins on his left cheek, his eyes were open. He's dead. I can't believe he's dead.

"You know which of your creatures was responsible, Mr. Scamander?" Another woman asked, more like accused. Do they really believe any of Newt's creatures did this? They wouldn't hurt anyone. The only thing that was almost dangerous was when that Erumpent decided to make Jacob her new baby daddy.

"No creature did this," Newt mumbled. "Don't pretend. You must know what that was, look at the marks..." Newt was silent for a moment. "That was an Obscurus."

The room erupted in whispers again. Madam President glared at him. "You go too far, Mr. Scamander. There is no Obscurial in America." What's an Obscurus anyway? She looked at one of the wizards. "Impound that case, Graves!"

The man sitting down reached his hand out. Newt's case flew out of his hand as went towards him. They can't do that!

Newt shook his head. "Wait. No. Give that back." Newt reached into his coat and was about to grab his wand.

"Arrest them!"

My mouth flew open when Graves waved his handagain. Newt went flying in the air until he crashed to the ground. I was about to ran after him, but I felt this force pushing me to my knees and tied my hands behind my back. I tried to move, but my body was frozen in place.

"Don't hurt those creatures," Newt begged. "Please, you don't understand, nothing in there is dangerous. Nothing!" Graves walked over to Madam President with Newt and Tina's wands.

"Well be the judges of that," Madam President said.

I shook my head. "Listen to him. We've seen those creatures, they're not dangerous."

"That's enough."

"Why, because I'm a No-Maj? You think you know better because you're of higher power." I looked around the room the best I could. "Are you all insane?! You're arresting the one man who knows a lot about these creatures. This man shows nothing but love and passion towards them. If he says they're not dangerous, you should believe him. Not arrest him."

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