The End?

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Newt placed his suitcase down and opened it. He quickly took a few steps back. We waited for a while until this gust of air hit my face and Frank flew out of the case. I smiled as I see this magnificent creature sore high in the air. Frank gracefully landed in front of us.

"I was intending to wait until we got to Arizona," Newt started. "But it seems like now you are our only hope, Frank." Frank squawked before he nuzzled into Newt's hand. "I'll miss you too." Newt took a few steps back before holding up a vile. "You know what you've got to do."

He tossed it at Frank before he flew high up and out of the tunnels, into New York. I heard people screaming as everyone from MACUSA walked closer to the new skylight. Clouds started to dance around the sky as Frank flew in them. I could hear lightning strike before this blue light sparked in the clouds. Then I heard little drops of rain coming down. Tina pulled me back before I got hit and kept her grip on my arm. Seraphina send a few of her officers to go repair the damages Credence caused. The images of his crying body came to mind and it got me to tear up. Tina saw this and wrapped her arm around me in a comforting manner as I lay my head on her shoulder.

"They wont remember anything," Newt said as we watch the hole in the tunnel covered itself up. "That venom has incredibly powerful Obliviative properties."

"We owe you a great debt, Mr. Scamander. Now, get that case out of New York," Seraphina said.

Newt nodded. "Yes, Madam President."

When she went to turn around, Tina grabbed me and hid me behind her while Queenie hid Jacob. Newt walked up next to Tina and helped her hide me. He reached back and I grabbed his hand before I lay my cheek on his back. Please, leave. I don't want to forget any of this.

Apparently luck isn't on my side tonight. Seraphina turned around and saw us. "Are those No-Majs still here? Obliviate them. There can be no exceptions." She noticed the pleading looks Newt, Tina, and Queenie were giving her. "I'm sorry, but even one witness...You know the law. I'll let you say goodbye."

This can't be it, can it? No, no, not after everything that just happened she can't just obliviate us. Jacob and I finally met a group of people who're nice, loving, dedicated...all out incredible. I actually met someone who isn't an all out jerk. I just lost Credence. I can't lose Newt, Tina, and Queenie, too. I held on to Newt's hand for dear life as they escorted us out of the subway station. Queenie was walking with Jacob, he's going to lose the most amazing girl in the world - who loves baking just as much as he does.

I slowly let go of Newt's hand and missed the warmness already. I stood next to Jacob as we were near the edge. This is it. I bit my lip before I grabbed his hand. When he looked at me, he gave me a reassuring nod. We always have each other, right? We were about to walk away until I felt someone grab my hand and pulled me back. I quickly spun around and crashed my lips with Newt's. He pulled me closer to him as I placed my hands on each side of his cheeks. I felt one of Newt's tears hit my fingers. I gently wiped them away as we pulled apart.

"I'll miss you," He mumbled.

I bit my lip as I looked down. "But I won't. I mean, how can I miss someone if I don't remember them?"

Newt lifted my chin up. He kept one hand there before he used the other to move a hair out of my face. He grabbed my sketchbook and handed it to me. "You can't go anywhere without this."

I let out a wet chuckle as I grabbed it. I started flipping through the pages until I found the one I started since we met. I quickly ripped the page out and handed it to him. "So you'll have a small piece of me."

Newt grabbed the paper and looked down. He let out a small chuckle. "It's incredible."


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