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"Time to go," One of the wizard officers said.

He came over and grabbed Jacob and me by our shoulders. He hauled us out of our cells. They still haven't lifted that spell on me, so I couldn't talk smack to the officer about dragging us. So, I pulled my arm away from him and glared. I could walk just fine. The guy rolled his eyes as we followed him towards the elevator.

My eyes widen when I spotted Queenie coming towards us. "Hey, Sam!" She greeted the big oaf. What is she doing here?

He didn't spare her a glance. "Hey, Queenie."

"They need you downstairs. I'll obliviate them." Wait, what? She's going to obliviate us. No, Queenie. I was just starting to like you.

"You ain't qualified."

Queenie was silent for a moment. "Hey, Sam, does Cecily know you been seeing Ruby?" I looked ahead to see some woman smiling at him. Jacob and I gave each other confused looks.

"How'd you..." Sam trailed off.

"Let me obliviate them and she'll never hear about it from me." I see what's she's doing. Queenie, you sly woman you.

Sam kept looking at the girl, so Queenie took that as her answer and pulled us away from him. "What are you doin'?" Jacob asked. I don't care what's she's doing. I want to hug her for taking us.

"Shh! Teen's in trouble, I'm trying to listen..." Queenie trailed off. "Where's Newt's case?"

I couldn't talk so I did this gesture of a guy with grey hair coming out of the side of his head. I even pretended to have a wand and flicked it. I hope she understands. Grandpa Graves took it!

"What's wrong with Alina?" She asked.

Jacob shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. That Graves guy did something to her, now she can't talk."

Queenie looked around before she pulled out her wand. "Stand still."

I did what she asked and she cast a little spell under her breath. I felt this weight being lifted off me and I opened my mouth a few times. "Hello," I whispered. I let out a happy sigh before hugging Queenie. "Queenie, you're awesome."

She chuckled before pulling away. "Alina, where's Newt's case?"

"That guy Graves took it along with their wands."

She sighed before looking around the building. "Okay, come on." She grabbed our arms and dragged us with her.

"What? You're not gonna obliviate us?" Jacob asked.

She smiled at him. "Of course not, you two are one of us now."

I could see a faint blush on Jacob's cheeks. Awww. Ok, this is not the time to aww, Alina. Newt and Tina need you now.


I can't believe we sneaked pass a whole group of wizards. No one suspected a thing. Queenie found Graves' office and tried to open it. To our luck, it's locked.

"No problem," She said before she whipped her wand out. She pointed to the doorknob. "Alohomora." It didn't open. "Aberto..." She sighed. "He would know a fancy spell to lock his office."

I pushed Queenie back. "Let me give it a try," I said.

"You're not a wizard, Alina," Queenie said.

I rubbed my hands together. "You don't need to be for this."

I brought my foot up and kicked the door wide open. Hah, point for the No-Maj...nah, I still like Muggle better. Point for the Muggle!

Queenie ran inside and grabbed Newt's case, along with the wands. I looked down the hallway to see if anyone was coming. No one was. Screw it, I started doing a little happy dance. Queenie chuckled before Jacob grabbed my arm. We were walking by these wizards, no questions asked. Some security.

We heard an alarm ring and hurried. Wizards were running past us to the cells. I tried to calm down. I looked around the place to see some body guards on the ground, and quickened my steps to catch up with Queenie and Jacob. We rounded the corner and nearly bumped into Newt and Tina. I let out a sigh of relief. They're ok.

I moved around Jacob and pulled Newt into a bone crushing hug. He immediately returned it. "You're ok," I breathed happily.

Queenie cleared her throat. "I hate to break this reunion...." Newt and I pulled apart. My cheeks started to flush and Queenie smiled at me. She held Newt's case up. "Get in."


Queenie transported us to some rooftop. Jacob opened one of the doors to reveal a pigeon's nest and went inside. I smiled at him. His grandad always loved pigeons. Even raised some. I swear, if it wasn't for his grandma, he would have married one. I turned my head to see Newt and Tina looking out towards the city. Tina had this big smile that could probably get any guy. A guy like Newt. My chest started to tighten as I looked down. Muggles and wizards can't have any relationships. Tina's a wizard, she'll be good for him. I wish I had my sketchbook. It doesn't just capture memories. They capture true feelings, emotions. And right now, I want to draw this hollowness away.

I felt something crawl up my arm and looked at my shoulder to see Pickett smiling at me. I smiled back before I used my finger to pet his head. "At least someone likes me," I mumbled.

Pickett sighed before he hugged my shoulder and went inside my hair. I guess he's cold. I heard footsteps and turned to see Newt taking a seat next to me. "Hello," He greeted nervously.

I gave him a light smile. "Hey." I noticed that we were a few feet close to each other and decided to scoot over a bit.

Newt face looked a bit hurt. "Tina might have found a lead on Dougal, my Demiguise."

I don't even know what a Demiguise is but I responded with, "That's great. We should, um, get going then." I got up. "Dougal's not going to capture himself."

"That might be difficult with the fact that...he's invisible," He said shyly. I tried to ignore how cute he looked like that, but I couldn't.

I nodded. "Right. So, maybe we should start now. The sooner we get Dougal, the sooner you can obliviate Jacob and me. And never see us again."

I didn't wait for him to answer before I turned to leave the building. What was I thinking? I can't like him, there's no point. I'm just going to forget about him. Literally. He's going to forget about me anyway once this is over. Alina, who?

Queenie must have heard my thoughts because she gave me a sad look. "Alina -"

I shook my head at her and left. We need to find this Demiguise, not talk about my feelings.


A/N: A few chapters left. ☹

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