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I stared into the fire as I tried to keep warm. I don't know where Tina's taking us and that's what got me worried. It had to be her. The moment we met she's been they need to be obliviated and they're witnesses, whatever that means. I would be drawing right now, but my sketchbook got ruined when I fell. I grabbed it from the desk and tried to flip the pages. The ink was runny and the pages were soaked. I know, I could always draw more. But those were memories. They mean everything to me.

The door opened and Newt stepped inside. "How are you feeling?" He asked.

I shivered as I pulled his coat tighter around me. "I'm freezing."

"Oh." Newt pulled out his wand. He flicked it towards me and I felt this light breeze flow through me. I suddenly felt a lot warmer and looked down to see my clothes dried. "Much better."

I smiled in thanks as I pulled his coat off. "Maybe you could have done that ten minutes ago," I joked. He chuckled as I handed him his jacket. "Thank you."

He smiled back as he put his coat back on. He sat down next to me. We sat there in silence. I kept looking at the fire before looking back at him. The brightness of the fire dancing across his face. How his eyes look brighter. I could feel my chest pounding at our closeness.

He broke the silence. "I'm sorry." His gaze never turned away from the flames.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why are you -"

"I'm the reason you and Jacob are in this mess. If I had just obliviated you in the first place, none of this would have happened. I would have had to find my creatures myself, instead I dragged out two with me."

I slowly grabbed his hand. "I'm glad you didn't." He finally looked at me. "You showed me a world I didn't even know existed. I always thought Mary Lou was a nut job when she talked about witches and wizards and how they're evil." Newt looked a bit saddened. "But, you're not evil. Evil people wouldn't takr care of their magical creatures. They wouldn't care about saving the creatures that are like family to them. And they wouldn't care about who lives and who dies. They wouldn't even care about...what do you call us? No-Maj?"

"We call them Muggles where I'm from."

I nodded. "Sounds more friendly."

Newt and I kept our gaze before we busted out laughing. Suddenly, Pickett came out of Newt's pocket and walked over to me. He ran up my arm and I giggled when his arms wrap around my shoulder.

"He likes you," Newt said. He was giving me a scared look. "He was worried when you went down the water."

"Pickett saw that?" Pickett let's go of me and started jumping. I don't know what he's saying, but it didn't sound good. He kept jumping up and down my shoulder while pointing at Newt. I gave him a confused look. "What's he saying?"

Newt's cheeks got redder. "Um, he was just saying glad he is that you're here. That he was terrified when we couldn't find you in the water. That when we finally pulled you out, part of him was relieved. How he feels happy when you're with us." He gave me a nervous smile.

I looked at Pickett before looking back at Newt. I lifted my finger and rubbed it on top of Pickett's head. "Thank you, Pickett." Pickett slapped his forehead. I chuckled and kissed Newt's cheek before I wrapped my arms around him. He froze for a moment before he returned the hug. "And thank you for saving me."

"You're welcome."

We heard a knock on the door before Jacob came in. "Am I interrupting anything?" He asked while setting the empty bucket aside.

I smiled at him before I got up. "No, you didn't." I wrapped my arms around him. "I don't think I've told you enough how much our friendship means to me."

"Come on, Alina. You know we're more like family. Always have been."

I pulled away and looked back at Newt. "Any idea where we're heading?"

He looked around the place. "Tina's probably taking us to MACUSA."

Jacob and I gave him a confused look. "What?"

"Magic Police."

"What's going to happen?" Jacob asked.

Newt ran his hand over his hair. "I'm going to be questioned about my creatures, and probably arrested, while they wipe your memories."

My mouth flew open. "They can't do that, can they?"

"They can. MACUSA has rules and regulations. They don't want Muggles to know the existence of wizardry. They don't allow relations with non-magic people." His eyes found mine before they looked at Jacob. "That we're not meant to befriend them. That you can't marry them."

My eyes widen. So, Jacob and Queenie can't have a relationship. That's...that's just not right. That's like they're saying that they can't fall in love with each other. I've seen the way those two look at each other. There's something there and we all know it. Out of everyone here, Jacob deserves to be happy. Queenie is the one thing that will make him happy. Hell, even the luckiest person in the world.

I glanced at Newt and he looked away when his gaze met mine. So...I can't be friends with Newt when this is all over. I won't remember this day or him or the craziest adventure I have ever had. My life would go back to normal. I would continue with my sketches, I would support Jacob and help get him his bakery. But, magic or not, something is going to be missing. You can take away the memories, but you can't take away the pain, the emotions, you had.

Or can they do that too?

We felt the room shake and Newt got up. "We're here." My hand reached for his. He looked down when I laced our fingers together before he looked back at the entrance. "Stay behind me."

I nodded before he let's go and headed towards the ladder. He climbed up. He tried to open the case, but it couldn't budge.

"Maybe she had to make a quick -" Jacob started.

Then, we heard a knock.

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