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I am tired of this woman dragging Jacob and me like we're common criminals. We didn't do anything bad. So, where is she taking us?

"Take a right here." She said before we turned the corner. Jacob began making weird noises before the girl stopped us. "Okay, before we go in...I'm not supposed to have men on the premises."

English guy thought that was a good excuse to leave, "In that case, Mr. Kowalski and I can easily seek other accommodation while you and Miss Nikolai get better acquainted."

The guy was about to pull Jacob with him, but I grabbed his arm before he could while the girl pulled us both back. "Oh no, you don't!" Jacob started grumbling again. He lost his footing, so I had to wrap his arm around my shoulders. "Watch your step."

We made it inside the building and walked up the stairs. We all froze in place when we heard a woman shout, "That you, Tina?"

I placed my hand over Jacob's mouth so he couldn't speak. "Yes, Mrs. Esposito!" 'Tina' called back.

"Are you alone?"

"I'm always alone, Mrs. Esposito!"

"Is that a good thing or bad?" I whispered. Tina gave me a look while the guy placed his hand over my mouth. He bit his lip to hold back a small chuckle. I looked down from his hand and back at him, ignoring the flutters in my chest. He mumbled a quick apology before taking his hand off.

He went to Jacob's other side and placed his other arm around his shoulders. Tina moved to the front of us as we walked up more stairs. She opens the door for us and we entered. My eyes widen at the sight. There were clothes flying near the fireplace to dry as music played in the background. Well, not flying but floating.

"Teenie, you brought guest?" I heard someone behind me. I turned around and quickly averted my eyes. There stood a woman in her undergarments. I get that I'm a girl and we have the same things, but seeing other people in their underwear makes me uncomfortable. I got to admit she is pretty though. As if she heard me she gave me a smile, "Thank you."

I gave her a confused look. Did I say that out loud? I'm sure I said it in my head. Tina took her hat off, "Gentlemen, and Alina, this is my sister." She gave her sister a tired look. "You want to put something on, Queenie?"

Queenie looked at her outfit, "Oh, sure." Queenie got her wand out and made her dress float off the mannequin. Wow, that is amazing. I looked at Jacob to see him mesmerized by the woman. This brought a smile to my face. I haven't seen him look at anyone like that since...well, ever. I looked towards the English guy to see him looking around the house. This brought a weird satisfaction to me. It's not everyday you meet someone who doesn't gawk at a woman who gets dressed in front of them. "So, who are they?"

I didn't realize I kept my gaze on the guy before Queenie said something. I shook my head. I hope no one noticed that. My cheeks turned pink when I saw Queenie giving me a smile. "That's Mr. Scamander. He's committed a serious infraction of the National Statute of Secrecy." Tina said.

"He's a criminal?" Queenie asked with interest. I took a seat on one of the couches and got my sketch book out, something Tina let me grab before she poofed us out.

"Uh-huh." Tina began taking her shoes off. "And this is Mr. Kowalski and Miss Nikolai, they're No-Maj." Jacob gave her a nervous wave. Aww.

I gave them all confused looks. "I thought we were Muggles?" I asked.

"Muggles and No-Maj are the same." Scamander, which reminds me of Salamander for some unknown reason, explained. I looked towards him to see him looking at me. I could have sworn his cheeks tinted a bit before he went back looking towards the windows.

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