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We followed Tina to this abandoned alleyway. I looked around the building to see stairwells that led to nowhere. Tina and Queenie led us downstairs towards this wall that had a painting of some girl. They both took out their wands and pointed at themselves. My eyes widen when their outfits changed into these beautiful flapper dresses.

Queenie noticed my appearance. "Alina, you too," She whispered.

I guess these dresses are part of the dress code, so I nodded my head. She flicked her wand towards my way and I looked down to see my clothes changed. Now I'm wearing this beautiful flapper dress with some silver shoes to go along with it.

 Now I'm wearing this beautiful flapper dress with some silver shoes to go along with it

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Tina nodded before she turned to the painting. My mouth flew open as the eyes followed her every movement. Their paintings can move. That's - That's a new one. What's next, trees whose branches can strangle you?

The eyes of the painting ripped off to reveal some guy. He was giving all of us a once over before he opened the door. I thought I was done being shocked, and amazed, today. I see a woman singing on stage while she did some magic to create the imagery of her song.

She stopped in front of me and conjured up this little misty unicorn. She send it my way and I chuckled as it circled around me. Queenie suggested that we split up into groups. She dragged Jacob away before sending me a teasing wink. I smiled at my friend's obliviousness to her liking him, but that means I'm stuck with Newt and Tina.

I tried to stay away from him, that way it would be easier when we say goodbye, but Queenie just had to read my mind. She just had to play matchmaker. I kept looking around the place until I felt something grab my hand. I turned around to see Newt giving me a concern look. "Are you all right?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah." I looked towards Jacob and Queenie near the bar. For once he looked calm and collective. Then he drank whatever drink he got and laughed. It was so loud that I covered my mouth with my hand to avoid laughing. "What just happened?"

"Queenie just gave him some Giggle Water," Tina responded, her trying to hold back a laugh.

"Isn't that dangerous?"

She shook her head. "Not at all. Now, Alina, can you keep quiet until this arrangement is over?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I have no idea what we'll be talking about anyway," I joked.

It is better if I keep quiet. I don't know this world like they do. I don't want to screw anything up. I wished for a paper and pencil to draw on and suddenly one appeared on the table. I looked around to see the bartender, I think Tina said he's a house elf, raising his glass up. I looked towards Queenie to see her give me a little wave.

"I've arrested half of the people in here," Tina mumbled.

"You can tell me to mind my own business, but I saw something in that death potion back there," Newt started. "I saw you hugging that Second Salem boy."

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