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The only people who talked during the whole meal was Queenie and Jacob. They kept making googling eyes at each other. Scamander and Tina looked awkward being in the same room as them, but I'm happy for my friend. So, I'm ok with just sitting down and continuing my sketches.

"The job ain't that glamorous." Queenie said. "I mean, I spend most days making coffee, unjinxing the john. Tina's the career girl." I guess she read Jacob's mind because she continued with, "Nah. We're orphans. Ma and Pa died of dragon pox when we were kids." Then just like that she got a big smile on her face. "You're sweet. But we got each other."

Jacob gave her a lopsided smile. I smiled at that. "Could you stop reading my mind for a second?" Jacob asked. Queenie looked a bit sad after that. "Don't get me wrong, I love it. This meal, it's insanely good. This is what I do, I'm a cook. And this is, like, the greatest meal I have ever had in my life."

I looked at Scamander to see him looking everywhere else. I placed my hand on his arm. "Hey, you ok?" I whispered.

He gave me a nervous smile, "Yes. The room is just warm, that's all."

Queenie had a big smile on her face, "Oh, you slay me!" She placed her hand under her chin and stared at Jacob. "I ain't never really talked to a No-Maj before."

Jacob copied her movement, "Really?" Awe.

Tina and Scamander looked away. I guess Tina thought of something because Queenie folded her hands together and looked down. "I am not flirting." She mumbled.

I gave Tina a look. She shook her head at her sister. "I'm just saying, don't go getting attached, he's going to have to be obliviated." She stated and looked towards Scamander. "They both do." Jacob wiped the sweat off his forehead. "It's nothing personal."

I slowly nodded, "It's just business. We get it." I looked at Jacob and grabbed a napkin before patting his neck. "You ok?" He gave me a nod.

Scamander got up, "Miss Goldstein, I think Mr. Kowalski and Miss Nikolai could do with an early night." He looked at Tina. "And besides, you and I will need to be up early tomorrow morning to find my Niffler, so..."

Queenie gave Tina a confusing look, "What's a Niffler?"

Tina shook her head, "Don't ask." She nodded her head. "Okay, you guys can bunk in here."


Tina finally decided to let me bunk with Jacob and Scamander. Queenie helped me a bit, saying that I'm worried about my friend, and how I wanted to make sure he's ok. Tina got a bit annoyed, but let me stayed anyway.

Now the problem was the bedding. There was two. I couldn't share with Jacob because he took most of the room, so that left me with Scamander. I offered to sleep on the floor, but he denied and offered to sleep on the ground. We went back and forth with this for a few minutes before Jacob suggested we sleep in the same one.

I wasn't that tired anyway, so I sat on the foot of the bed and continued drawing. Jacob started reading his book while Scamander decided to lay down. He moved his legs so I wouldn't sit on them. I looked at the corner of my eye and saw him staring, which caused my cheeks to redden. Just ignore it, just ignore it.

"What you working on?" Scamander asked.

I tucked my hair behind my ear, "Um, just thought I work on Queenie and Tina's family portrait." I don't like showing my artwork to anyone, just Jacob. So, I got a bit uncomfortable when they saw my drawings.

"Could I see?"

I looked at Jacob. He gave me an encouraging nod. I bit my lip before turning the portrait around. Scamander sat up and slowly grabbed my book. He ran his fingers through the sketch. My heart was beating out of my chest. I looked down and fiddled with my fingers.

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