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This is probably the only time I'm thankful for magic. I hate wearing that dress, so thank the heavens that Tina poofed my regular clothes back on. My feet started to hurt after running in those heels. Anyway, we made it towards the Macy's Department. Jacob pointed towards one of the windows as a purse slowly slid off one of the mannequins. Ok, unless ghost are real, bags shouldn't be moving.

Newt pointed his wand at the window before it became this water-like entrance. He didn't look back as he reached for my hand and pulled me with him. I tried to ignore my chest increased beat and pulled my hand away once we came inside. He turned around and gave me a hurtful look. Just help him, this will all be over. We hid behind some of the Christmas decorations as we watch the purse float.

"Demiguise are fundamentally peaceful," Newt whispered. "But they can give a nasty nip if provoked." Dougal reappeared and made his way towards the jewelry stand. Newt pointed at Jacob, Tina, and Queenie. "You three, head that way. And try very hard not to be predictable."

I furrowed my eyebrows as the three left. I looked at Dougal when a small screech was heard. That can't be good. "Please tell me that was Dougal?" I whispered.

Newt shook his head. "No. But I think it might be the reason that the Demiguise is here."

Newt got up from his place behind the Christmas tree decor and walked up to the Demiguise. Dougal slowly looked at us before making his way up the stairs, making Newt chuckle. Dougal came back down holding a purse full of pearls and jewelry.

"Its sight operates on probability," Newt whispered more. "So it could foresee the most likely immediate future."

"So, if I had to sneeze then he could see it?" I asked.


"Good to know." Dougal reached into the purse and placed a pearl on the ground. "What's it doing?"

"He's babysitting."

"What did you just say?"

Newt slowly crouched down next to Dougal and placed his suitcase next to him. "This is my fault. I thought I had them all, but, uh, I must have miscounted."

I saw something move. "Please tell me it's not another Erumpent." My eyes widen when I see an Occamy looking down at us. It's not so itsy bitsy anymore. "Definitely not an Erumpent."

Newt kept his hand up as the Occamy leaned down to eat the pearl from Dougal. Its eyes never left Newt's for a second. "Occamies are choranaptyxic," He said. "So they grow to fill available space." The Occamy kept looking at Newt. "Mommy's here." A small smile came to my face.

Queenie took a step forward which cause an ornament to roll near us. My eyes widen as it started to make a sound. The Occamy started to screech before it rose up. I felt something collide with my stomach and I gasped as I was being lifted off the ground by its wing. I started yelling as I held onto the feathers for dear life. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Or Newt's words...Merlin's beard. Merlin's beard!

I saw its tail push one of the shelves down. The crates and unopened boxes came crashing down. "What do we do?!" I yelled as I gripped the feathers tighter.

"We need an insect!" Newt yelled from the other side. I looked up to see him climbing up the Occamy's head. "Any kind of insect and a teapot." Great. And we're in a Macy's Department Store, there should be a spider or a roach somewhere. "Find a teapot."

I tried to swing my leg over the wing, but it kept shaking me. "I don't know if I should be scared for my life or laugh!" This is just like a roller coaster, except no seat belts.

I screamed when the wing went crashing down on the beams, past Jacob and Dougal. The Occamy kept shaking me and shaking me. I felt my hand loosing its grip on the feathers. With one final flap, I lost my grip as was flying towards the ground.

"Alina!" Newt yelled.

I was waiting for impact, but I never came. I slowly opened my eyes to see Tina with her wand up, levitating me. She gently set me down. "You ok?" She panted.

I nodded as I pushed my hair out of my face. "Yeah."

"Ladies, teapot," Newt said as the Occamy got bigger.

Right, we split up as we looked for a bug or a teapot. I looked on the ground and found a roach, but ducked out of the way to not get hit by a tail. I ran after it, but the Occamy grew and I tripped over it. I grunted as I land on my stomach and looked up to see the roach a few inches away. I reached for it, but it crawled away. I pound my hand on the floor. Damn it!

"Teapot!" Tina yelled.

I felt myself being lifted up again. Next thing I knew, I was pinned to the ceiling. "Someone please tell me they have a roach!" Never thought I'd say that in my life.

I looked down to see the Occamy in front of Jacob, eyeing the roach. "Roach in teapot," Newt instructed.

Jacob started petting the Occamy to calm it down. He threw the roach across the room towards Tina as she ran to meet it half way. The Occamy started to shrink and I started falling...again. I started yelling until I felt two arms catch me and we fell to the floor. We both grunted, but Newt still didn't let go.

"Thanks for breaking my fall," I panted.

"Anytime," He groaned. He tapped my arm. "Alina, your knee is on my..."

My eyes widen before I got up. "Sorry."

I helped Newt up and we turned to see the Occamy shrinking its way inside the teapot. He grabbed a lid and ran towards Tina before he slammed the lid on the teapot. We started panting as I leaned on Jacob with my hand over my heart. And I thought the Erumpent was bad.

"Choranaptyxic," Newt breathed. "They also shrink to fit the available space."

"Tell me the truth. Was that everything that came out of the case?" Tina asked.

"That's everything. And that's the truth."


A/N: Only three chapters left. ☹

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