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I started to chuckle as Jacob and I brought Dougal towards his nest. Dougal decided to swing our arms like if we were the parents and he was the child. You could tell how excited he is to be back in his little nest.

"You happy to be home?" Jacob asked Dougal.

Dougal kept looking back at us before it walked quicker towards hus bed. I laughed even more. "I think that's a yes," I said. I picked up Dougal. "Come on, buddy, I bet you're exhausted." Dougal let's go of me and climb inside his nest. "I know I am. I wish I had a pastry."

Jacob chuckled. "You're always hungry."

"Can you blame me? Running around all day. Finding out that wizards and magical creatures are real. Chasing said magical creatures. Those things can make a girl hungry," I joked.

"All right. When we get home I'll make you my peach cobbler."

That got me excited. "Yes!" He chuckled. I heard a little noise and turned my head to see the Erumpent. I nudged Jacob and pointed towards her. "Jacob, your girlfriend's back."

He chuckled as he left towards the Occamy. I walked over to the Erumpent. She was giving me a curious look. I slowly lifted my hand up near her horn. She started to sniff me before she placed her horn on my hand. I smiled as I started petting her.

"That's a good girl," I said. "You're real nice when you're not chasing after my friend." I leaned closer to her in a teasing manner. "You'll have Queenie a run for her money."

The Erumpent whimpered before she licked my face. I started to laugh as she did it again.

"Beautiful isn't she?" I heard Tina from behind me.

I looked back and smiled. "She is." I looked back at the Erumpent and continued petting her. "And to think just a few days ago I never thought creatures like her existed. It would always be the same routine. Wake up, walk Jacob to work, go sketch, sleep, repeat. It's nice doing something different for a change."

"I heard you wanted to travel the world to sketch." I gave her a confused look. How did she - "Queenie might have read your mind and told me." We started walking. "You really are talented. I think you should go. Traveling and sketching all your experiences. You'll be an amazing artist. I'm positive people would buy your work."

I tucked my hand behind my ear. "I'm not sure about that. And I can't leave Jacob."

"You two are really close, huh?"

I gave a little nod. "After my mom left, I was sent to Jacob's family. They took me in an welcomed me as their own. Don't get me wrong, I love them, but it would just be me and Credence. He was my family. You would always find us together in broad daylight having fun, until he had to go home. Mary Lou would beat him for something really stupid. He would sneak out and come over. I tend to his wounds and let him stay. But when he came over and basically ended our really stung. I was really hurt. I wouldn't talk to anyone. I would just draw, until one day Jacob knocked on my door and comforted me. That day I knew I saw a life long friend in him. He was all I needed."

I looked around the place until my eyes found Newt and Queenie talking. Tina followed my gaze and gave me a light smile. "Until you met Newt." I didn't say anything. The floor looked more interesting. "Have you told him?"

I shook my head. "I don't really see the point. After this is all over, you're just going to obliviate me. I won't even remember him."

Tina gave me a sad look. "Alina, I'm sorry it has to be this way. I wouldn't obliviate you if I had the choice, but MACUSA won't allow it."

"I believe you. I hate the fact that I won't remember you or Queenie either. We could have been great friends."

"I would have loved that." She turned me around and pushed me towards Newt and Queenie. "And what I would love is to see you talk to Newt and admit that you have feelings for him."

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