I wake up to my bedroom or at least what looks like my bedroom. I go to move but I find out that my wrists are tied to the bedpost. I stay like that moving around making my wrists bleed and sooner or later the door opens and Josh, my crazy ex boyfriend walks in. I start screaming for help as tears run down my face. He laughs at my attempts to escape before he goes to remove his pants.
The door is busted open and Mason bursts in. When he sees me tied up and then sees Josh he goes crazy mad. He continuously punches Josh in the face until he is knocked out. Afterwards he unties my wrists and sees how weak I am from lost of blood he lets out a string of curse words and I see his panicked face before passing out.
**End of nightmare**
I actually wake up this time in my room, I turn to my nightstand grabbing my inhaler that I have for moments like this when I have a nightmare causing my asthma to act up. After I calm down I get up taking a long shower. I skip going down to the kitchen for breakfast and go down the servant's staircase to the garage. As I pull out and head to Bethany's I see the door open and Matt watching me go.
When I arrive I see Bethany standing outside waiting and as I pull up she hops in. She starts talking with my usual hm and yeah here and there. We get to school and are walking to first when I bump into someone. "Sorry." I mutter and continue to walk to class.
When I get to class I distracted myself from everyone. I know when Mason comes to class because everyone gets quiet except for the sluts up front. I ignore them and continue writing.Mason sits beside me and I know his eyes are searching my face for any emotion but I know for a fact none are being shown.
"Are you okay?" He asks but I ignore him. This goes on in every class but I do my classwork ignoring every single person.
I sit down at our normal table before everyone else. I busy myself in work as everyone sits down. I know they are all staring at me but only three voices their thoughts-
" are you going mute again?"- Beth.
"Are you not eating again?"- Ree (Reece)
"Talk to us Lynn, please?"-Hales.
I shake my head no and that's when Mason drags me out of the cafeteria once again. He pushes me into the janitor's closet again. I break down crying in the far corner of the closet.
"What's wrong?" He asks coming gently over to me before picking me up and putting me in his lap. He wipes the tears away and smooths my hair. I tell him about the newest nightmare.About how he saves me or at least I think he does. About how terrified I am that he will come for me. He shhs me telling me it'll be okay. Finally I calm down and clean my face and we head back to the cafeteria to where I become semi mute only talking when I have to and Mason tries to get me to eat but I don't.
** after school **
I stand by my car as Mason tells Bryson to take his car and take Beth home so he can take me home. We go to my house I see that no one but Matt is home and I sigh on relief. We enter and go to the kitchen where Matt is sitting at the table writing the grocery list. He looks up and I speak up, "Matt this is Mason he helped me at school today." He nods towards Mason.
I turn to Mason, "this is Matt our head chef but he is more like the father I never have."
"It is nice to meet you sir." Mason says stretching his hand out to shake Matt's hand. I tell Matt we are going upstairs. We enter my bedroom with me shutting the door, "I'm guessing you have questions?" I ask him. He nods and I sit on my bed dragging my knees to my chest. He goes to sit down beside me but stops to pick something up. He goes to hand it to me and I realize it's my inhaler.
"I didn't know you had asthma." He says quietly. " I never have to use it unless something really bad happens to cause a panic attack which'll cause an asthma attack." He nods, "like your nightmare this morning?"
I nod quietly, "you are probably wondering about my family?" He stays quiet. "My mother was killed when I was young. My father became heartless and cold. He married my stepmother two years later who brought her daughter Lacy with her. They all hate me and I hate them. My father blames me for my mother's death."
"I'm so sorry Lynn." He says. For the first time in forever I correct someone, "I want you to call me by my first name, Sarah." He looks shocked, " why?"
"It feels right for me to let you." I tell him. He nods and I let a yawn out.
"You don't sleep much do you?" He asks I shake my head no and he says, "sleep. I'll stay by your side." I nod and lean into him while his arms automatically circle me. I close my eyes heading into the first nightmare free sleep in forever.
** an hour later **
I wake to see Mason gone and start freaking out. 'He promised me and he broke it' I think to myself. I stand up still freaking out to go downstairs to ask Matt when he left. I'm halfway down them when I hear their voices from the kitchen.
"She had a rough life so far. I just want her to be happy."-Matt.
" I want to help her I just don't know how. She won't let me be close to her."-Mason.
"She told you about her nightmares, family and told you to call her Sarah which no one else can if that is not trusting I don't know what is." -Matt.
"Thank you for talking with me." -Mason.
After that it is quiet for a while so I continue downstairs and enter the kitchen with a yawn. "How did you sleep?" Mason asks.
"Much better with you there than I have been. Thank you." I tell him. He nods, "well since I live with the boys I'm thinking I'll stay here at night so you can sleep better." he suggests. Matt nods in agreement, "sorry Lynn. It's better for you not to wake up screaming."
I wince, " am I that bad?" I ask and he nods. "Okay you can stay." I tell Mason. We eat dinner and then head back upstairs with me falling asleep immediately in the warmth and comfort of Mason's arms.*********
Dont Don't forget to vote, comment, and share, so others can enjoy this greatness called a book.Bookshark16 out.

Deception **ON HOLD**
Teen FictionSarah Allen is a sarcastic, funny, rich girl but she hates being rich. Doesn't like her family(who honestly don't like her either) or those player boys from school. or as she says "they can go to hell!" (she has a bad past)what happens when she meet...